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Parasite In City fails to open

midhater1 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug


Reproducing steps

  1. open UndertaleModTool and try to open the data.win
  2. get the load error

Setup Details

[UndertaleModTool v0.5.1.0]
game: parasite in city 1.3

Do you have a link to the main or download webpage for this game?

Do you have a link to the main or download webpage for this game?


From what I can tell, this is an abandoned mobile game from 2013? All I'm getting are sketchy apk sites and dead links (including the drive that's linked here).

What does it mean that this link is dead?
Having trouble downloading the game? Just in case, I'll upload an additional zip file.

These links aren't dead, but you aren't setting them to public, so we can't use them. I would also appreciate validation that this game isn't currently being sold, because (even for testing purposes) uploading the whole thing is a piracy concern.

Oh I didn't know that. So what should I upload to solve this problem while avoiding piracy?

Is the game still for sale? If so, send the link at which it can be purchased. If not, the creator isn't going to make any money anyway, so just fix your Google Drive permissions.

I've been able to get this game after too much effort:
On fb312d9 I get this warning:
And then this error

Looks like it's some NSFW game. The original website link is here: https://m.blog.naver.com/yongsic1541/221011881051
It links to a google drive which is password protected where the author asks to send them a private comment as a password request.

This appears to be a bytecode 13 game (gamemaker version is listed as - appears to be 1.2.1224?) which we've had issues with in the past.

The misalignment seems to be occurring because there's a sprite with unusually small mask data (0x80 bytes, expected 0xa24). The last error is evidently because shader processing on such old versions is evidently meant to terminate much earlier, which I'm preparing a PR for.

Granted, I have much less experience with this kind of stuff but from what I can see:

  • Something weird occurs on sprite 141 (sp_enemy2_walk)
  • This is how it looks in an hex editor (values are shown as dec):
    The mask data is only 128 bytes long instead of 2600, and it's all zero'd.

I have no clue on how the 99*200 (19800) image can somehow be represented by a 128byte long mask. Thought that maybe there's something that indicates that it's getting compressed if the whole block is just zero, but that doesn't make sense since there are other sprites which have their "correct" length all zero'd.