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Problem with nested structs in BME680-Driver / I²C-init

rk-sTEk opened this issue · comments

The issue

I try to use the BME680-driver on an ESP32C6 with VSC on Linux with newest ESP-IDF (v5.1.2).
Unfortunately the controller went in an error by init the sensor. After a debug session I realized, that there is a wrong variable initialization.

the definitions in bme680.h:

 * BME680 sensor device data structure type
typedef struct
    i2c_dev_t i2c_dev;              //!< I2C device descriptor

    bool meas_started;              //!< Indicates whether measurement started
    uint8_t meas_status;            //!< Last sensor status (for internal use only)

    bme680_settings_t settings;     //!< Sensor settings
    bme680_calib_data_t calib_data; //!< Calibration data of the sensor
} bme680_t;

//Test-Dev without the first struct
typedef struct
    bool meas_started;              //!< Indicates whether measurement started
    uint8_t meas_status;            //!< Last sensor status (for internal use only)

    bme680_settings_t settings;     //!< Sensor settings
    bme680_calib_data_t calib_data; //!< Calibration data of the sensor
} bme680t1;

typedef struct
   i2c_dev_t i2c_dev0;              //!< I2C device descriptor
} bme680_t_1;

the definitions in i2cdev.h:

 * I2C device descriptor
typedef struct
    i2c_port_t port;         //!< I2C port number
    i2c_config_t cfg;        //!< I2C driver configuration
    uint8_t addr;            //!< Unshifted address
    SemaphoreHandle_t mutex; //!< Device mutex
    uint32_t timeout_ticks;  /*!< HW I2C bus timeout (stretch time), in ticks. 80MHz APB clock
                                  ticks for ESP-IDF, CPU ticks for ESP8266.
                                  When this value is 0, I2CDEV_MAX_STRETCH_TIME will be used */
} i2c_dev_t;

typedef struct
    i2c_port_t port;         //!< I2C port number
    i2c_config_t cfg;        //!< I2C driver configuration
    uint8_t addr;            //!< Unshifted address
    SemaphoreHandle_t mutex; //!< Device mutex
    uint32_t timeout_ticks;  /*!< HW I2C bus timeout (stretch time), in ticks. 80MHz APB clock
                                  ticks for ESP-IDF, CPU ticks for ESP8266.
                                  When this value is 0, I2CDEV_MAX_STRETCH_TIME will be used */
} i2c_dev_t_stek;

the declarations:

    bme680_t sensor;
    bme680t1 sensor2;
    bme680_t_1 sensor1;

    i2c_dev_t i2c_dev;
    i2c_dev_t_stek i2c_dev1;

The variables (breakpoint after the declarations) are shown in the picture.

What you see: The nested structs are absolutely wrong - and I don't know how and why. The compiler(?) uses the wrong struct definitions. And...after a nested struct the the definition in the typedef stops.

What is going wrong here?

Which SDK are you using?


Which version of SDK are you using?


Which build target have you used?

  • esp32
  • esp32s2
  • esp32s3
  • esp32c2
  • esp8266
  • other

Component causing the issue


Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?

No response

Additional information or context

No response


  • This report is not a question nor a request for drivers.