UncleBill / prism.vim

Set different but certain colorschemes for different working directories (mostly)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


prism.vim sets colorscheme basing on your working directory, to help you distinguishing a specific Vim instance among multiple ones from window previewer. It is like peacock for VSCode.

prism.vim chooses a colorscheme from provided colorscheme list by a number calculated from the current working directory.





With vim-plug or your favorite plugin manager, like

Plug 'UncleBill/prism.vim'

Requires Vim 8.0+ for full support.


Setting colorscheme space

Prism.vim will pick one from colorschemes below to set up.

" defaults to ['peachpuff', 'desert', 'evening', 'murphy']
" some of below are from https://github.com/flazz/vim-colorschemes
let g:prism_colorschemes = ['atom', 'desert', 'solarized', 'badwolf', 'lightyellow',
      \ 'dracula', 'peachpuff', 'pablo', 'SlateDark', 'torte', 'blink', 'blueprint',
      \ 'Benokai', 'greens', 'grayorange', 'graywh']

You can get a collection of colorschemes at flazz/vim-colorschemes


Tired of one fixed colorscheme? You can make it shift to another in X days automatically:

let g:prism_shift_period = 0  " disable shifting, default value
let g:prism_shift_period = 30 " every 30 days, days since 1979-1-1,

Reset at runtime

Use PrismSet command to reset colorscheme at runtime. prism.vim will record this colorscheme (in g:prism_config_file, defaults to ~/.prism.vim.json), and use it in the future, for current working directory

" use current colorscheme
" select from installed colorschemes
:PrismSet <tab>


prism.vim listens to the DirChanged event, there are four options that can be attached to:

  		"window" to trigger on `:lcd`
  		"global" to trigger on `:cd`
  		"auto"   to trigger on 'autochdir'.
  		"drop"	 to trigger on editing a file

See :h DirChanged

let g:prism_dir_changed_pattern = ['window', 'global']

Also see :h DirChanged for the patterns your Vim supports.


Enable prism.vim on switching tabs by:

" defaults to 0, disabled
let g:prism_count_tab = 1

Then prism.vim adds tab index to count the value for picking colorscheme, and listens to TabEnter. Now switching tabs will change the colorscheme.


MIT License. Copyright (c) UncleBill


Set different but certain colorschemes for different working directories (mostly)


Language:Vim Script 100.0%