UnblockNeteaseMusic / server

Revive unavailable songs for Netease Cloud Music (Refactored & Enhanced version)

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[Feature Request] 支持输出不带ANSI转义序列的纯文本日志

FrzMtrsprt opened this issue · comments


同样,将运行日志输出至文件(例如unblockneteasemusic-win-x64.exe > log.txt)时,输出的日志仍然带有ANSI转义符。


详见:Color output in console - ArchWiki

When you run a command and pipe its standard output (stdout) to less for a paged view (e.g. pacman -Qe | less), you may find that the output is no longer colored. This is usually because the program tries to detect if its stdout is an interactive terminal, in which case it prints colored text, and otherwise prints uncolored text. This is good behaviour when you want to redirect stdout to a file, e.g. pacman -Qe > pkglst-backup.txt, but less suited when you want to view output in less.

