Ultimaker / libArcus

Communication library between internal components for Ultimaker software

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Issues with installing- could not find SIP despite being installed

cst0 opened this issue · comments

When attempting to run cmake on libArcus, cmake exits with the error "Could not find SIP". However, SIP is on my system and I have tried several methods of installing and checking. Here's what I've done so far (for reference, I'm running Debian Stretch):

  • Install sip using pip3 install sip as mentioned in the SIP documentation
  • Downloading sip-4.19-cp35-cp35m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl from the link in Running Cura from Source, then running pip install on that file. It exited with error, saying it wasn't a supported wheel on my platform, so I tried sip-4.19-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (the other possibility from that link), and had the same issue.
  • The same as above but with pip3, which successfully installed but was not found by libarcus
  • Installing the sip-dev package from the Debian repositories through my package manager, which also succeeded but was not found by libarcus
  • Extracting the .whl's mentioned above using unzip, but the contents only contained a few text files (METADATA which recommended I use pip3 to install, and RECORD and WHEEL which had some record and configuration stuff) and an executable called sip.so. I tried running it and got a segmentation fault, and neither python nor python3 could run it. This was true in both the .whl's.

I know sip is installed because I can run an import sip from the python3 console, so I'm not sure why libarcus still won't find and use it. Any help here would be much appreciated!

Hey @awhiemstra or @Ghostkeeper - would either of you happen to have any insights as to what I might be able to do here?

The Python SIP package is not enough. SIP also has a library and headers that you will need. Most notably, libArcus is looking for a CMake file that indicates where those headers and libraries are.

The only way I've ever really gotten it to work is to compile SIP from source. That is, to get SIP from here: https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/sip/download

After building it and installing it, there should be a .cmake file in your install directory (I believe it's under ./share).