Uhuh / Kiranator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Server Configuration

<> = required arguments | [] = optional arguments

Command Examples Description
k.config k.config Show the configuration for the server.
k.config prefix <new prefix> k.config prefix ! Change the servers prefix.
k.config join <add | remove | list> <@Role | Role ID> k.config join add 781062380934266901
k.config join add Member
k.config join remove 781062380934266901
k.config join list
Add or remove a role that will be given to any user that joins the server. You can view the roles being given out with the list option.
k.config banword <add | delete> <word> k.config banword delete uwu
k.config banword delete owo, 0w0, o3o
k.config banword add uwu
k.config banword add owo, 0w0, o3o
Add or delete a word or list of words for the banned words filter list.
k.config banmsg <msg sent to banned users> k.config banmsg You've been bad! Get out! Set the message that gets sent to users right before they're banned.
k.config logs <mod | server> <#channel | ID | remove> k.config logs mod #mod-logs
k.config logs mod 773580650255089675
k.config logs server #server-logs
k.config logs mod remove
Set specific log channels or remove them if you set them accidently!
k.config mod <@role | id | remove> k.config mod @Muted
k.config mod 750488381070245949
k.config mod remove
Set the mod role for KiraBot to use. If you use `remove` then KiraBot will remove it from the config.
k.config mute-role <@role | id | remove> k.config mute-role @Muted
k.config mute-role 750488381070245949
k.config mute-role remove
Set the mute role for KiraBot to use. If you use `remove` then KiraBot will remove it from the config.
k.config warnexpire <# days in range 1-30> k.config warnexpire 5 Set how long it takes for a users warn to expire and no longer be considered as a bannable offence.
k.config maxwarns <# in range 1-10> k.config maxwarns 5 Set how many active warns a user is allowed to have, their next warn would be their ban.
k.config whitelist <add | remove> <#channel | ID> k.config whitelist add #mod-chat
k.config whitelist remove #general
k.config whitelist add 773580650255089675
Whitelist channels you don't want KiraBot keeping server logs of.
k.config banwordlist k.config banwordlist This will send all the banned words in a spoiler tag.
k.config setup k.config setup If KiraBot failed to generate your servers config run this command to fix it.
Can only be run once if the server doesn't have a config.
k.config banner <left | center> k.config banner center
k.config banner left
Display KiraBot's welcome banners! There are currently only two default ones. A left avatar, or a center avatar.
k.config welcome <add | remove> <#channel | channel-id> k.config welcome add #welcome
k.config welcome add 773580650255089675
k.config welcome remove
By default vivi doesn't have a welcome channel for you. You use this command to tell KiraBot which channel to use when welcoming users with a banner.

Moderation Commands

<> = required arguments | [] = optional arguments

Command Examples Description
k.ban <@user | ID> <reason> k.ban @Panku For being stinky
k.ban 125492204234997761 Was rude to me
Ban a user by mention or ID
k.checkwarns <@user | ID> [active] k.checkwarns @Panku
k.cw @Panku active
Check a users warning history. If you want to view only their active warns pass active after mention/ID.
Use a user id to get warn history even after the user is gone!
k.kick <@user | ID> <reason> k.kick @Panku Get out!
k.k @Panku Cya punk.
Kick a user from the server.
k.mute <@user | ID> <reason> | <#[(m)inutes/(h)ours/(d)ays/(w)eeks/(y)ears]> k.mute @Panku Annoying users in VC | 3d
k.mute @Panku Disruptive | 1d
Mute a user for any given time. If you don't pass a time the user will be default muted for an hour.
k.reason <case ID> <new reason> [ | <#[(h)ours/(d)ays/(w)eeks/(m)onths/(y)ears]> ] k.reason 12 Making users uncomfortable
k.reason 12 Disruptive in VC! | 3d
k.r 12 Changing warn reason!!
This command can only be ran in the configured mod-logs channel. It allows you to reword mod logs(cases). You get the requried case id from the message embeds.
If you need to change a mute duration you can do that too by using the same time format as the mute command.
k.say [#channel] <words to say> k.say #announcements New update incoming!
k.say Hey guys!
Basic say command, if given a channel (anywhere in the command) KiraBot will send the message there.
k.tempban <@user | ID> <reason> k.tempban @Panku For being stinky
k.tempban 125492204234997761 Was rude to me
k.tempban @Panku Cool down! | 3
Temp ban a user by mention or ID for the given days, or by default 1 day.
k.unban <ID> <reason> k.unban 125492204234997761 Appealed their ban! Classic unban command.
k.unmute <@user | ID> <reason> k.unmute @Panku Apologized for being loud in VC. Unmute a muted user.
k.unwarn <warn ID> <reason> k.unwarn 1337 Was a mistake Remove a warn offence from a users warnings. Get its ID from k.checkwarns command.
k.warn <@user | ID> <reason> k.warn @Panku Not listening after verbal warning Warn a user to kep track of their warnings. Check their current warnings with k.checkwarns. If a user surpasses the servers max warns setting they get automatically banned.

General Commands

<> = required arguments | [] = optional arguments

Command Examples Description
k.avatar [@user | id] k.avatar
k.avatar @Panku
k.avatar 125492204234997761
Grab a users avatar. Command alias is 'ava'. If no user ID is given or user mentioned it'll send your avatar!
k.botstatus k.botstatus Sends general info about how manyt servers the bot'sF in.
k.help [config | mod | general] k.help
k.help general
Given one of the 3 arguments KiraBot will give you detailed commands for each category.
k.status k.status Basic info about the server.
k.userinfo [@user | ID] k.userinfo @Panku
k.userinfo 125492204234997761
Get info for a users account along with how many warnings they have and a list of the active warns.



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