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Where is ESP32 Wifi Marauder.fap??

Jlmorri67 opened this issue · comments

I am following a YouTuber "Sasqu*" on how to load maurader onto my $36 wifi board...Got stopped when I went into Applications/Official/ then, wow, where is everything?? There seems to be a glitch in the matrix...

If it’s not included in the firmware you’re using, you should be able to grab it from either FlipC.org or the official Flipper App Store - just make sure your Flipper is plugged in AND anything that may be accessing that COM port (like qFlipper) is closed off. You may also need to install the USB drivers if you haven’t yet. (But if you’ve used qFlipper already, you’ll be good.)

Thanks for the quick response. Fortune frowned at me, FlipC.org is still being developed=dead end...Flipper App Store, looks great, but would not allow me to download ESP Wifi Marauder..It did open my eyes to lots of possibilities...

I am basically just trying to get the wifi board going. I want to be able to find WiFi sources. For example: Following the strength of the signal, and then finding a router, or cell phone hot spot, etc...

Most scanners are the same price as the flipper, or more....

here is the YouTuber link, I used to at least flash the WiFi board: https://youtu.be/v8J1tNtefPs?si=wHslI521EImBmLgQ
He gave your GitHub files as the place to go for ESP32 Wifi Marauder.fap but you have changed it, it seems...

You should be able to grab it from here: Official App Store

I used to maintain the only centralized app repository but once the official App Store came around, I stopped updating them. RogueMaster has done some maintenance and updates but not for a bit. (They are over here.)

Yep - it only works with websocket browsers (Chromium based like Google Chrome, new Microsoft Edge, Brave, etc.) Or it works great in the mobile app! Hopefully a reflash works.