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Incorrect airmass written into FITS header

Ssoyrnoz opened this issue · comments

Evora header seems to display an incorrect airmass. Header airmass = sec(Z). Problem seems to stem from an incorrect zenith angle.

Can confirm it is likely from the logs reporting a wrong zenith angle. Line 554 of the evora_server.py in the getHeader_2 method is where I compute the airmass for the image headers based on the Z reported by Heimdall (at the time of writing this). It is a simple computation of 1/cos(Z). Not much to go wrong there.

I would recommend you just call tail -f on the most current Heimdall log file to see a live feed and verify that zenith angle is correct.

My code seems to pull the most recent log from the following directory on Heimdall: "/home/mro/storage/tcc_data/positionlogs/*.txt"

My code will parse the most recent log and read the columns in as ['time','ra', 'dec', 'epoch', 'lst', 'za'].

Hope that helps.

Appears fixed, closing...