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Benchmarking time with CPU/GPU solvers for comparison

naezzell opened this issue · comments

We've added a GPU solver

function solve_schrodinger_gpu(A::Annealing, tf::Real; tspan = (0, tf), kwargs...)
u0 = cu(build_u0(A.u0, :v))
p = ODEParams(A.H, float(tf), A.annealing_parameter)
update_func = function (C, u, p, t)
update_cache!(C, p.L, p, p(t))
cache = cu(get_cache(A.H))
diff_op = DiffEqArrayOperator(cache, update_func = update_func)
jac_cache = cu(similar(cache))
jac_op = DiffEqArrayOperator(jac_cache, update_func = update_func)
ff = ODEFunction(diff_op, jac_prototype = jac_op)
prob = ODEProblem{true}(ff, u0, Float32.(tspan), p)
solve(prob; alg_hints = [:nonstiff], kwargs...)

which will get integrated better soon. We've shown informally that for n = 10 qubits and tf = 10ns anneal, the GPU version takes around 1 second and the CPU version 8 seconds. We'd like to get more systematic benchmarking/ run data on these to show when you get and improvement and by how much.

The informal timing was done with the following test code:
with 2 CPUs and 1 GPU on USC Discovery cluster.

For the GPU accelerated solver we have done a preliminary benchmarking for comparision. It shows advantage when init Hamiltonian is big enough.
The test code can be find here naezzell/accelqat/cuda/scaling_test.jl.
The test result and relevent CPU information can be find here naezzell/accelqat/cuda/scaling_test_result/ (with one NVIDIA Tesla K40 GPU)
