UQdeco2800 / 2021-ext-studio-2

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Team 3 - Sprint 4 - Feature - Add menu and buffs/debuffs manualsBackground animation

7ayuu opened this issue · comments



Feature: Team 3 - Sprint 4 - Feature - Add Background animation and buffs and debuffs animation

In sprint2 and 3. We designed the backgrounds of the main menu and buffs/debuffs respectively. In order to make them look less rigid, we will add animation effects to them.


Because the main menu background and buffs/debuffs manual background exist independently, there is no need to rely on other functions. But its design will need to be based on emotional goals and game themes.


  • Because the menu background is night, I want to use white with different transparency to represent the lightning, so as to form a background animation.
  • Because the background of the manual is mainly black and white, I want a group of bats to pass by to form a background animation.


Detailed task description.

  • Task 1: Design the background animation images.
  • Task 2: Make the atlas files for these backgourd.
  • Task 3: Implement to game.


  • Task 1 (Oct. 11)
  • Task 2 (Oct. 11)
  • Task 3 (Oct. 16)

Completion Deadline: Oct. 19

