UBoat-Botnet / UBoat

HTTP Botnet

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to set up

FilterUnfiltered opened this issue Β· comments

How the fuck do you set this up the wiki has different files πŸ‘Ž


using xamp php version 7.0.30
and got error
Fatal error: Cannot declare class Error, because the name is already in use in
C:\xampp\htdocs\PHP\private\controllers\error.php on line 21

Did y'all try url.com/path/login -> ' login '


if i try url.com/path/login and root root get this
Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in C:\xampp\htdocs\PHP\vendor\model.php:10 Stack trace: #0

there is no fucking login page only in the views folder in private, and it's fucking blank

all the files are blank when you go to them, which one do I go to!?


my error list
1). captcha dont showing
2). Fatal error: Cannot declare class Error, because the name is already in use in C:\xampp\htdocs\PHP\private\controllers\error.php on line 21
3).Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
4). new user? create new account DONT WORKS Click = Freez

I change using my url panel in gate.h but I reciver eror try build biner.
Can help me?


you will have the same problem so it's better to solve it all in the same place.


High possibility there is an issue with your configuration can you please paste down your config ? Here


return [
    'base_url' => 'http://localhost/PHP/', // Base URL including trailing slash (e.g. http://localhost/)
    'default_controller' => 'main', // Default controller to load
    'encoding' => 'utf-8',
    'error_controller' => 'error', // Controller used for errors (e.g. 404, 500 etc)
    'error_type' => [
        //default 404
        '403' => 'error403',
        '404' => 'error404',
    'db' => [
        'username' => 'root',
        'password' => 'lolzmemez',
        'host' => 'localhost',
        'dbname' => 'test2'
    //screenshot settings
        'enabled' => 'true',
        'external_address' => 'hidden', // 'domain_goes_here', localhost for local testing only
        'port' => '80',
    //capcha settings
    'capcha' => [
        'random_color' => 'true',
        'char_pool' => '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ',
        'angle' => ['-30', '30'],
        'fonts' =>['Roboto-Medium.ttf', 'Roboto-Italic.ttf'],
        'font_size' => ['10.0', '11.0'],
    //key for logs encryption
    'key' => 'root',
    //this can be turned off,
    'display_login_error' => 'true',

    // Include assets config
    'assets' => 'assets.php',


that's not the problem though, my problem is that the wiki which explains the setup has totally different panel files than the uBoat panel that's on github!! Where the fuck do I go after copying the contents of rest.php!?

Okay first it should be
' test.php ' just copy and paste the generated hash in your SQL table containing user credentials to login

I already did that, I just misspelled test.php here... NONE OF THE OTHER FILES SHOWCASED IN THE WIKI EXIST, AND THE FILES THAT DO EXIST DON'T WORK... omfg I'm starting to think you didn't make this if you don't understand a simple fucking problem

@TheBrokenWasp @eterna2000
Please kindly look at this ? -> https://streamable.com/rgx73

Are you serious? You still won't fucking listen, I don't get an error, I get a blank screen, and here's what i get when I go to PHP/login:
Screenshot from Gyazo

learn to fucking read other people's problems and not assume, omfg, MY PROBLEM is that YOU have different files for the panel THAN EVERYBODY ELSE, and therefore, THW WIKI IS FUCKING USELESS, please do me a favor and go to the panel files on github and compare them to the ones you have, THEN TRY TO FIX MY PROBLEM asswipe

ok so I just calmed down and looked at your video, you seem to have the same files, but how the fuck do you go to login, I get that it wasn't found... I'm so confused


for me now control panel works 100%
when i use test.php

@TheBrokenWasp calm down for a min let's sort it out with cool brain

I got your point already so no need to get heated on that

ok sorry

I'm on CentOS and I just realised I'm on php 7.2.9... I'm trying to downgrade to php 7.0

Cool i am here for like 4-5 hours now so no need to sweat lemme know if the problem persists

Screenshot from Gyazo

I downgraded to php 7.0.31

Are you sure that you have setup the database correctly ?

Does visiting localhost/PHP/ also throws a 404 ?

I' not hosting localhost I'm using a VPS but no, just a blank screen

Try changing the localhost to your server ip for a min can you in the config file ? and let me know ?
@Tuhinshubhra will be taking a look further on it

still the same thing

Hmm reproducing it on a VPS

make sure it's CentOS not windows

I have a Ubuntu server won't make much difference

I just went to a random PHP file, PHP/private/views/login.php and I got this error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
at login.php:4
in the console...

Reproduced indeed this is a bug

Downgrade to php5 and lemme know if the problem exists

PHP 5? seriously? no even the wiki says php 7.0 I JUST went through a downgrade, and let me tell you, it's not easy on CentOS... fucking yum....

I will be doing that right away

did you seriously say "minor" pane issues in the TODO? xD

Stick to winblows for now until we either fix the "MINOR" bug or frame it as a feature...

@TheBrokenWasp you are welcome to contribute

you fix it yet?

when is this going to be fixed?

@Souhardya please help me contact me on discord or skype relyks#0551 skype= relyks

hey skylerbeyette

get the fuck out of my post and make your own ffs

Hey TheBrokenWasp eat a dick you shit Stain

@Souhardya and @Tuhinshubhra how's the fix coming along?

@Souhardya and @Tuhinshubhra how's the fix coming along?

calm your titties down people is CODING not copy/pasting like you btw im on debian and the error didnt got reproduced i installed with 7.0 and downgraded to 5.2 seems to work for me anyway ill need to check better

Hey there i am so sorry guys we will be catching along have my exams goin on

okay i replicated the issue it kinda only happens on linux servers im getting exactly the same issue

PHP Warning: require(/var/www/html/private/helpers/authverify.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/vendor/controller.php on line 66

this is line 66
require(APP_DIR .'helpers/'. strtolower($name) .'.php');

and this is how my public_html directory looks

okay so i have finally figured out why this isnt working properly the panel has been developed in laravel i guess since laravel generates thoose 2 folders "private" and "vendor" i have tried installing it on my ubuntu server and its working just as its suppossed to, theres plenty of tutorials of how to install laravel on google you might find theese usefull (threadstarter) https://www.rosehosting.com/blog/install-laravel-on-ubuntu-16-04/ dunno which linux version you are using

ok, how do I do that on centos 7 @PhenomAmd?

I encounter same issue , its a bug tried every thing even laravel but yet did no work. I've tried it on latest xampp php version 7.x and downloaded composer to install laravel , yet no change at all. I guess there is something missing in steps.

Found following errors in apache error.log file

[Sun Oct 07 17:42:30.709656 2018] [php7:error] [pid 10488:tid 1664] [client ::1:50073] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function render() on null in C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\PHP\\vendor\\controller.php:34\nStack trace:\n#0 C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\PHP\\vendor\\controller.php(8): Controller->beforeRequest()\n#1 C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\PHP\\vendor\\goat.php(89): Controller->__construct()\n#2 C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\PHP\\index.php(22): goat->__construct(Array)\n#3 {main}\n thrown in C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\PHP\\vendor\\controller.php on line 34


@TheBrokenWasp maybe try yum install laravel or yum install composer

i dont really know i got it from repositories im running on ubuntu xenial

@tehseensagar i have been looking on github all over the way seems like this panel is stripped directly from booh http botnet wich is totally compatible panel however it doesnt has malicious modules however it has a downloader built in anyway if we are seeing this github and looking for source code it might be because we have at least some coding skills so it wont be difficult for you to strip the modules out and get them to work omn booh botnet btw i should say that both sources (uboat and booh) are using almost same apis so you can expect high detection rate i would advice you to go with low level function, delayed execution


@TheBrokenWasp @eterna2000
Please kindly look at this ? -> https://streamable.com/rgx73

This url is not showing any thing , there is certain configuration which should be set on xampp to get it doen like

in php.ini

Add following settings:

max_execution_time = 5000
max_input_time = 5000
memory_limit = 1000M
post_max_size = 750M
upload_max_filesize = 750M

save it and now you will be able to import uboat.sql file.

so there are some other settings as well which support to be mention to fix this issue. I've been trying to get it work. If any one has done it in xampp so please share the steps or solution.


Hello ! sorry the capcha doesn't load ? how do please ? and i i will view this i have this code ;
Fatal error: Cannot declare class Error, because the name is already in use in /opt/lampp/htdocs/PHP/private/controllers/error.php on line 21

Thanks !

how do I configure it on linux please help. share the step by step


@tehseensagar the problem is not uploading the database the problem comes when you try to open the index ... With or without this settings i have replicated the issue however if it worked for you without problems its good.

I can not provide a step by step guide because first i dont know the commands for every single distro i mean i know ie in centos you use yum in debian and ubuntu you use apt so i dont know you might try to search "how to instal composer and laravel and your distro" anyway im not in the developer team but i will be glad to help just post your linux os i will reimage my server and try to get it to work, i mean i dont feel like i have contributed here but if i can help you in that way it will be a pleasure

I've installed larava successfully on ubuntu. but still haivng issues.

Followed the following guide/


@tehseensagar but you have got the panel to work right?

how do I configure it on linux please help. share the step by step


i think you are still missing composer aswell try to install it to

composer is installed thats why its executed and created sub folder into /var/www/html/my-project

Ive created a virtualconfig file into apache and in that config I set serername localhost and root path to /var/www/html/my-project/

composer is installed thats why its executed and created sub folder into /var/www/html/my-project

Ive created a virtualconfig file into apache and in that config I set serername localhost and root path to /var/www/html/my-project/

yeah indeed that was the method to get it to work seems like this panel is stripped from booh botnet the only differences i see in the code the "polymorphic builder" and the keylogger module however its exactly the same both botnets even trigger same detections on many AV because of the apis @Souhardya not saying you copied pasted or whatever (that pisses us a lot ... i mean coders) but i see so many similitudes on both sources even on panel sources

I will try it again. once it get back home.

share me your email / skype @PhenomAmd

@tehseensagar had to delete my email because spammers started spamming my ass off i dont use skype im kinda more available at WA or FB but dont know how to send private messages (if possible) here

For me installing laravel doesn't work, I have tried 6 different fucking methods now... on CentOS 7 btw

@TheBrokenWasp you need laravel aslong as composer in the past when i used centos for other purposes i have noticed that centos has less compatibility with many things dont know it this is the case you should try maybe another distro such as debian or ubuntu please be adviced that i dont know or use any other distros so no chance to actually know whats wrong on youre server btw im only trying to help not meaning i will solve your problem if you have any problem you could post here i will do my best to help you however im not the developer so dont expect too much from me

@PhenomAmd you can share FB .

@PhenomAmd I can't switch, I was trying on a VPS I own, it wasn't and isn't so important I just thought this looked cool and wanted to try it, but it doesn't really seem like an important project since this bug still exists and no updates have been released for months so yeah I'm just going to close this now, you guys can re-open it if you want but I don't see the point since you guys are never going to fix it... (btw I know you're not the creator I just don't know how to structure my sentences lol)

I encounter same issue , its a bug tried every thing even laravel but yet did no work. I've tried it on latest xampp php version 7.x and downloaded composer to install laravel , yet no change at all. I guess there is something missing in steps.

Found following errors in apache error.log file

[Sun Oct 07 17:42:30.709656 2018] [php7:error] [pid 10488:tid 1664] [client ::1:50073] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function render() on null in C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\PHP\\vendor\\controller.php:34\nStack trace:\n#0 C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\PHP\\vendor\\controller.php(8): Controller->beforeRequest()\n#1 C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\PHP\\vendor\\goat.php(89): Controller->__construct()\n#2 C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\PHP\\index.php(22): goat->__construct(Array)\n#3 {main}\n thrown in C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\PHP\\vendor\\controller.php on line 34


Hi, I have the same problem.


I try every process but not worked .Object not found! this error will come , I think i don't have the one file with the name of .htaccess how i will get this file and what code should be in this file pleas help me out with this.

same error here