UBC-BEST / M2M-Pizza-Game-Unity

Pizza game for the M2M app

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sprite updates

wesleychchan opened this issue · comments

Decide on whether to render separate toppings on the pizza or not
Update pizza sprite, order sprite, and possibly topping sprites
Create a background sprite

Current idea for pizza animations:


  • 4 topping sprites (a singular pepperoni, singular sausage, etc)
  • When key to place topping is pressed, a random amount (small range) of that sprite is spawned
  • The sprites spawned have some animation as they fall onto the pizza in random positions (but make sure they are spaced out enough)
  • Once on the pizza, the toppings follow wherever the pizza goes
  • Once the pizza is off the screen, despawn all the toppings
  • While the toppings are falling, other keys cannot be pressed
  • Don't allow multiple of the same topping to be placed on the pizza
  • Overall, topping placement should take under a second to do
  • Need to use a flyweight pattern to render all the toppings without taking too much memory


  • Have some subtle steam animation on the pizza
  • Note that we want the steam to be rendered on top of the toppings as they are being placed
  • Steam should be semi transparent

Order ticket:

  • Instead of showing letters, show image of toppings


  • Instructions, show which keys give you which toppings


  • Make base pizza sprite look cleaner, but also nicer (add some char, some variation in the cheese, etc)

Creating separate issues for each sprite to be updated