ARrow is your augmented reality path to seamless navigation and campus exploration. With ARrow, we aim to revolutionize the way students, faculty, staff, and visitors navigate our college campus.

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✨[Feature] : Make a LLD / Flowchart for this Project

Siddhant-Patil0203 opened this issue · comments

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Will be brainstorming and creating an LLD and a flowchart for the project ARrow.
I will be using Miro software to make this.

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@Siddhant-Patil0203 What's the status?

Will be done sooner
Most probably till 17 August

@Siddhant-Patil0203 What is the status?

@Siddhant-Patil0203 What is the status?

Are you done with this?

This is an initial UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagram which will be refined and enhanced over time.

                      |      ARrow App       |
                      | - campusMap: Map     |
                      | - userLocation: GPS  |
           |                                     |
   +------------------+                 +------------------+
   |    AR Interface |                 |    User          |
   +------------------+                 +------------------+
   |                  |                 | - name: String   |
   | - displayAR()    |                 | - role: Role     |
   | - updateLocation()|                 | - currentLocation|
   +------------------+                 +------------------+
           |                                     |
           |                                     |
+-------------------+                +---------------------+
|     Location      |                |     CampusMap       |
+-------------------+                +---------------------+
| - x: float        |                |                     |
| - y: float        |                |                     |
|                   |                | - buildings: List<Building>|
+-------------------+                | - pathways: List<Pathway>|
                                   |           Building          |
                                   | - name: String              |
                                   | - location: Location       |
                                   | - entrances: List<Location>|
                                       |        Pathway       |
                                       | - start: Location   |
                                       | - end: Location     |
                                       | - length: float     |

Here is a detailed flowchart for Arrow. However, there are still some features that need to be planned.

Flowchart Link :

@LadeHarshal @vishal10kesharwani @Naresh-chandanbatve

@LadeHarshal @Naresh-chandanbatve @vishal10kesharwani @Saurabb-coder
Please go through the flowchart, there are certain modifications and additions

@LadeHarshal @Naresh-chandanbatve @vishal10kesharwani @Saurabb-coder
The flowchart for version 1 has been completed. If you have any doubts or queries, please feel free to comment or pin me on the Miro flowchart board.
Thank you.