TypeStrong / fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin

Webpack plugin that runs typescript type checker on a separate process.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error location in error messages is not clickable in some cases, because it's relative to process.cwd().

siarheiyelin opened this issue · comments

Current behavior

When typescript error message is printed to console of IDE (e.g. WebStorm), then the IDE has an opportunity to render file location as clickable if the location is relative to the project's root folder.
I.e. it's clickable in next cases:

  • when Webpack is run from the same folder as project's root folder. Because "process.cwd()" is equal to the project's root folder.
  • when file location in console logs is absolute.

Unfortunately, the file location isn't clickable when Webpack is run from some nested folder rather than from project's root (it could be the case in monorepo).
As a result, error file location in console isn't relative to the project's root folder anymore, and thus IDE has no possibility to render it as clickable.

The logic related to printing file path is located here:
let location = chalk.bold(relativeToContext(issue.file, process.cwd()));

Expected behavior

Print absolute file location rather than relative. It could also be an option of ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin which enables printing of absolute file path.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Create app using latest Webpack
// create react app
mkdir test
cd test
npx create-react-app my-app  --template typescript

As a result, next folders will be created on file system: ./test/my-app/**
2) Use WebStorm IDE to open "test" folder as projects root folder.
3) Change the code to make some TS error
4) Start newly created app dev server from console of the IDE.
As a result, any typescript errors will not be clickable in console of IDE.

Please pay attention that the errors are clickable if "my-app" folder is opened on "step 2" above.


  • fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin: 6.5.2
  • typescript: 4.9.3
  • webpack: 5.x
  • os: Windows 11

Starting from 7.3.0, you can use { formatter: { type: 'codeframe', pathType: 'absolute' } } config to use absolute paths :)

🎉 This issue has been resolved in version 7.3.0 🎉

The release is available on:

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