TypeStrong / fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin

Webpack plugin that runs typescript type checker on a separate process.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

node_modules not ignored even when provided in exclude

BartusZak opened this issue · comments

Current behavior

Fallowed https://github.com/TypeStrong/fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin/tree/main/examples/babel-loader and can't make it right :(


yarn start -> webpack serve --env NODE_ENV=development --progress --color returns

Found 120 errors in 109792 ms.

Terminal output
<i> [webpack-dev-server] [HPM] Proxy created: /api  -> https://api.local.dev.TEST.xyz
<i> [webpack-dev-server] Project is running at:
<i> [webpack-dev-server] Loopback: http://localhost:3000/
<i> [webpack-dev-server] On Your Network (IPv4): 
<i> [webpack-dev-server] On Your Network (IPv6): 
<i> [webpack-dev-server] Content not from webpack is served from 'C:\Users\test\public\assets' directory
<i> [webpack-dev-server] 404s will fallback to '/index.html'
hidden assets 732 KiB 107 assets
assets by status 28.6 MiB [emitted]
assets by path locales/ 78.5 KiB
  assets by path locales/en-GB/*.json 50.3 KiB 16 assets
  assets by path locales/pl-PL/*.json 28.2 KiB
    asset locales/pl-PL/permissions-privileges.a2aee5386ce511553cba.json 7.7 KiB [emitted] [immutable] [from: public/assets/locales/pl-PL/permissions-privileges.json] [copied]
    + 9 assets
assets by chunk 28.5 MiB (name: main)
  asset main.js 27.6 MiB [emitted] (name: main)
  asset main.css 858 KiB [emitted] (name: main)
asset favicon/favicon.ico 14.7 KiB [emitted] [from: public/assets/favicon/favicon.ico] [copied]
asset locales-manifest.json 7.28 KiB [emitted]
asset ajax-loader.fb6f3c230cb846e25247dfaa1da94d8f.gif 4.08 KiB [emitted] (auxiliary name: main)
asset index.html 895 bytes [emitted]
orphan modules 3.43 MiB (javascript) 13 KiB (runtime) [orphan] 799 modules
runtime modules 69.9 KiB 42 modules
javascript modules 7.4 MiB
modules by path ./node_modules/ 4.83 MiB 1755 modules
modules by path ./src/ 2.57 MiB 1253 modules
css modules 856 KiB
modules by path ./src/assets/styles/ 843 KiB
  css ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[2].use[1]!./src/assets/styles/semantic-ui.css (2) 843 KiB [built] [code generated]
  css ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[2].use[1]!./src/assets/styles/semantic-ui.css (1) 103 bytes [built] [code generated]
  css ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[2].use[1]!./src/assets/styles/semantic-ui.css 99 bytes [built] [code generated]
modules by path ./node_modules/ 12.7 KiB
  css ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[2].use[1]!./node_modules/react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.min.css 7.51 KiB [built] [code generated]
  css ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[2].use[1]!./node_modules/slick-carousel/slick/slick-theme.css 3.42 KiB [built] [code generated]
  css ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[2].use[1]!./node_modules/slick-carousel/slick/slick.css 1.73 KiB [built] [code generated]
webpack 5.74.0 compiled successfully in 30319 ms
Type-checking in progress...
ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:416:62
TS1005: ']' expected.
  414 |     type ResolvedValue<T> = T extends PromiseLike<infer U> ? U | T : never;
  415 |     // see https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/25215
> 416 |     type NonFunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends Func ? never : K]: T[K]; };
      |                                                              ^^
  417 |     type GetAccessor = 'get';
  418 |     type SetAccessor = 'set';
  419 |     type PropertyAccessors<M extends keyof T, T extends {}> = M extends NonFunctionPropertyNames<Required<T>> ? GetAccessor | SetAccessor : never;

ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:416:65
TS1005: ';' expected.
  414 |     type ResolvedValue<T> = T extends PromiseLike<infer U> ? U | T : never;
  415 |     // see https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/25215
> 416 |     type NonFunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends Func ? never : K]: T[K]; };
      |                                                                 ^
  417 |     type GetAccessor = 'get';
  418 |     type SetAccessor = 'set';
  419 |     type PropertyAccessors<M extends keyof T, T extends {}> = M extends NonFunctionPropertyNames<Required<T>> ? GetAccessor | SetAccessor : never;

ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:416:70
TS1005: ';' expected.
  414 |     type ResolvedValue<T> = T extends PromiseLike<infer U> ? U | T : never;
  415 |     // see https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/25215
> 416 |     type NonFunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends Func ? never : K]: T[K]; };
      |                                                                      ^^^^^^^
  417 |     type GetAccessor = 'get';
  418 |     type SetAccessor = 'set';
  419 |     type PropertyAccessors<M extends keyof T, T extends {}> = M extends NonFunctionPropertyNames<Required<T>> ? GetAccessor | SetAccessor : never;

ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:416:94
TS1005: ';' expected.
  414 |     type ResolvedValue<T> = T extends PromiseLike<infer U> ? U | T : never;
  415 |     // see https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/25215
> 416 |     type NonFunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends Func ? never : K]: T[K]; };
      |                                                                                              ^
  417 |     type GetAccessor = 'get';
  418 |     type SetAccessor = 'set';
  419 |     type PropertyAccessors<M extends keyof T, T extends {}> = M extends NonFunctionPropertyNames<Required<T>> ? GetAccessor | SetAccessor : never;

ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:416:95
TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.
  414 |     type ResolvedValue<T> = T extends PromiseLike<infer U> ? U | T : never;
  415 |     // see https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/25215
> 416 |     type NonFunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends Func ? never : K]: T[K]; };
      |                                                                                               ^
  417 |     type GetAccessor = 'get';
  418 |     type SetAccessor = 'set';
  419 |     type PropertyAccessors<M extends keyof T, T extends {}> = M extends NonFunctionPropertyNames<Required<T>> ? GetAccessor | SetAccessor : never;

ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:420:50
TS1005: ']' expected.
  418 |     type SetAccessor = 'set';
  419 |     type PropertyAccessors<M extends keyof T, T extends {}> = M extends NonFunctionPropertyNames<Required<T>> ? GetAccessor | SetAccessor : never;
> 420 |     type FunctionProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never]: T[K] };
      |                                                  ^^
  421 |     type FunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof FunctionProperties<T>;
  422 |     type ConstructorPropertyNames<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Constructor ? K : never }[keyof T] &
  423 |         string;

ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:420:53
TS1005: ';' expected.
  418 |     type SetAccessor = 'set';
  419 |     type PropertyAccessors<M extends keyof T, T extends {}> = M extends NonFunctionPropertyNames<Required<T>> ? GetAccessor | SetAccessor : never;
> 420 |     type FunctionProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never]: T[K] };
      |                                                     ^
  421 |     type FunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof FunctionProperties<T>;
  422 |     type ConstructorPropertyNames<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Constructor ? K : never }[keyof T] &
  423 |         string;

ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:420:58
TS1005: ';' expected.
  418 |     type SetAccessor = 'set';
  419 |     type PropertyAccessors<M extends keyof T, T extends {}> = M extends NonFunctionPropertyNames<Required<T>> ? GetAccessor | SetAccessor : never;
> 420 |     type FunctionProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never]: T[K] };
      |                                                          ^^^^^^^
  421 |     type FunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof FunctionProperties<T>;
  422 |     type ConstructorPropertyNames<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Constructor ? K : never }[keyof T] &
  423 |         string;

ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:420:101
TS1005: ';' expected.
  418 |     type SetAccessor = 'set';
  419 |     type PropertyAccessors<M extends keyof T, T extends {}> = M extends NonFunctionPropertyNames<Required<T>> ? GetAccessor | SetAccessor : never;
> 420 |     type FunctionProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never]: T[K] };
      |                                                                                                     ^
  421 |     type FunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof FunctionProperties<T>;
  422 |     type ConstructorPropertyNames<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Constructor ? K : never }[keyof T] &
  423 |         string;

ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:420:102
TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.
  418 |     type SetAccessor = 'set';
  419 |     type PropertyAccessors<M extends keyof T, T extends {}> = M extends NonFunctionPropertyNames<Required<T>> ? GetAccessor | SetAccessor : never;
> 420 |     type FunctionProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never]: T[K] };
      |                                                                                                      ^
  421 |     type FunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof FunctionProperties<T>;
  422 |     type ConstructorPropertyNames<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Constructor ? K : never }[keyof T] &
  423 |         string;

ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:420:109
TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.
  418 |     type SetAccessor = 'set';
  419 |     type PropertyAccessors<M extends keyof T, T extends {}> = M extends NonFunctionPropertyNames<Required<T>> ? GetAccessor | SetAccessor : never;
> 420 |     type FunctionProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never]: T[K] };
      |                                                                                                             ^
  421 |     type FunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof FunctionProperties<T>;
  422 |     type ConstructorPropertyNames<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Constructor ? K : never }[keyof T] &
  423 |         string;

ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:1380:1
TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.
  1378 |         results: Array<MockResult<T>>;
  1379 |     }
> 1380 | }
       | ^
  1381 |
  1382 | // Jest ships with a copy of Jasmine. They monkey-patch its APIs and divergence/deprecation are expected.
  1383 | // Relevant parts of Jasmine's API are below so they can be changed and removed over time.

ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/vanillajs-datepicker/Datepicker.d.ts:11:7
TS1110: Type expected.
   9 | export type DatepickerOptionsOrientationHorizontal = 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | 'auto';
  10 | export type DatepickerOptionsOrientation =
> 11 |     | ${DatepickerOptionsOrientationVertical} ${DatepickerOptionsOrientationHorizontal}
     |       ^^^
  12 |     | 'auto';
  13 |
  14 | export interface DatepickerOptions {

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:121
TS1110: Type expected.
  22 |  * 
  23 |  */
> 24 | export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A['length'] ? K extends number | ${number} ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;
     |                                                                                                                         ^^^
  25 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:168
TS1005: ';' expected.
  22 |  * 
  23 |  */
> 24 | export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A['length'] ? K extends number | ${number} ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;
  25 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:172
TS1005: ';' expected.
  22 |  * 
  23 |  */
> 24 | export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A['length'] ? K extends number | ${number} ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;
  25 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:186
TS1005: ';' expected.
  22 |  * 
  23 |  */
> 24 | export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A['length'] ? K extends number | ${number} ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;
  25 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:207
TS1005: ';' expected.
  22 |  * 
  23 |  */
> 24 | export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A['length'] ? K extends number | ${number} ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;
  25 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:217
TS1005: ';' expected.
  22 |  * 
  23 |  */
> 24 | export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A['length'] ? K extends number | ${number} ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;
  25 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:241
TS1005: ';' expected.
  22 |  * 
  23 |  */
> 24 | export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A['length'] ? K extends number | ${number} ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;
  25 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:255
TS1005: ';' expected.
  22 |  * 
  23 |  */
> 24 | export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A['length'] ? K extends number | ${number} ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;
  25 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/Iteration.d.ts:5:10
TS1005: ',' expected.
  3 |  */
  4 | export declare type Iteration = [
> 5 |     value: number,
    |          ^
  6 |     sign: '-' | '0' | '+',
  7 |     prev: keyof IterationMap,
  8 |     next: keyof IterationMap,

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/Iteration.d.ts:6:9
TS1005: ',' expected.
  4 | export declare type Iteration = [
  5 |     value: number,
> 6 |     sign: '-' | '0' | '+',
    |         ^
  7 |     prev: keyof IterationMap,
  8 |     next: keyof IterationMap,
  9 |     oppo: keyof IterationMap

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/Iteration.d.ts:7:9
TS1005: ',' expected.
   5 |     value: number,
   6 |     sign: '-' | '0' | '+',
>  7 |     prev: keyof IterationMap,
     |         ^
   8 |     next: keyof IterationMap,
   9 |     oppo: keyof IterationMap
  10 | ];

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/Iteration.d.ts:8:9
TS1005: ',' expected.
   6 |     sign: '-' | '0' | '+',
   7 |     prev: keyof IterationMap,
>  8 |     next: keyof IterationMap,
     |         ^
   9 |     oppo: keyof IterationMap
  10 | ];
  11 | export declare type IterationMap = {

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/Iteration.d.ts:9:9
TS1005: ',' expected.
   7 |     prev: keyof IterationMap,
   8 |     next: keyof IterationMap,
>  9 |     oppo: keyof IterationMap
     |         ^
  10 | ];
  11 | export declare type IterationMap = {
  12 |     '__': [number, '-' | '0' | '+', '__', '__', '__'];

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/IterationOf.d.ts:20:53
TS1110: Type expected.
  18 |  * 
  19 |  */
> 20 | export declare type IterationOf<N extends number> = ${N} extends keyof IterationMap ? IterationMap[${N}] : IterationMap['__'];
     |                                                     ^^^
  21 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/IterationOf.d.ts:20:60
TS1005: ';' expected.
  18 |  * 
  19 |  */
> 20 | export declare type IterationOf<N extends number> = ${N} extends keyof IterationMap ? IterationMap[${N}] : IterationMap['__'];
     |                                                            ^^^^^^^
  21 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/IterationOf.d.ts:20:74
TS1005: ';' expected.
  18 |  * 
  19 |  */
> 20 | export declare type IterationOf<N extends number> = ${N} extends keyof IterationMap ? IterationMap[${N}] : IterationMap['__'];
     |                                                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  21 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/Key.d.ts:16:48
TS1110: Type expected.
  14 |  * 
  15 |  */
> 16 | export declare type Key<I extends Iteration> = ${I[0]};
     |                                                ^^^
  17 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:94
TS1005: '>' expected.
  23 |  * 
  24 |  */
> 25 | export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & {}> : never : never;
     |                                                                                              ^^^
  26 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:115
TS1109: Expression expected.
  23 |  * 
  24 |  */
> 25 | export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & {}> : never : never;
     |                                                                                                                   ^^^^^^^
  26 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:129
TS1005: ';' expected.
  23 |  * 
  24 |  */
> 25 | export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & {}> : never : never;
     |                                                                                                                                 ^
  26 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:135
TS1005: ':' expected.
  23 |  * 
  24 |  */
> 25 | export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & {}> : never : never;
     |                                                                                                                                       ^^^^^^^
  26 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:169
TS1005: '(' expected.
  23 |  * 
  24 |  */
> 25 | export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & {}> : never : never;
  26 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:177
TS1005: ',' expected.
  23 |  * 
  24 |  */
> 25 | export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & {}> : never : never;
  26 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:184
TS1005: ')' expected.
  23 |  * 
  24 |  */
> 25 | export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & {}> : never : never;
  26 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:110
TS1005: '>' expected.
  16 |  * 
  17 |  */
> 18 | export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;
     |                                                                                                              ^^^
  19 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:139
TS1109: Expression expected.
  16 |  * 
  17 |  */
> 18 | export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;
     |                                                                                                                                           ^^^^^^^
  19 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:153
TS1005: ';' expected.
  16 |  * 
  17 |  */
> 18 | export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;
     |                                                                                                                                                         ^^
  19 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:161
TS1005: ':' expected.
  16 |  * 
  17 |  */
> 18 | export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;
     |                                                                                                                                                                 ^^^^^^^
  19 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:196
TS1005: '(' expected.
  16 |  * 
  17 |  */
> 18 | export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;
  19 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:204
TS1005: ',' expected.
  16 |  * 
  17 |  */
> 18 | export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;
  19 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:211
TS1005: ')' expected.
  16 |  * 
  17 |  */
> 18 | export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;
  19 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Has.d.ts:17:130
TS1005: '>' expected.
  15 |  * 
  16 |  */
> 17 | export declare type Has<L extends List, K extends Key, M extends any = any, match extends Match = 'default'> = OHas<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, M, match>;     
     |                                                                                                                                  ^^^
  18 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Has.d.ts:17:160
TS1109: Expression expected.
  15 |  * 
  16 |  */
> 17 | export declare type Has<L extends List, K extends Key, M extends any = any, match extends Match = 'default'> = OHas<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, M, match>;     
     |                                                                                                                                                                ^     
  18 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/NonNullable.d.ts:40:126
TS1005: '>' expected.
  38 |  * 
  39 |  */
> 40 | export declare type NonNullable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key, depth extends Depth = 'flat'> = Cast<NonNullablePart<L, ${K & number} | K, depth>, List>;
     |                                                                                                                              ^^^
  41 | export {};
  42 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/NonNullable.d.ts:40:153
TS1109: Expression expected.
  38 |  * 
  39 |  */
> 40 | export declare type NonNullable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key, depth extends Depth = 'flat'> = Cast<NonNullablePart<L, ${K & number} | K, depth>, List>;     
     |                                                                                                                                                         ^
  41 | export {};
  42 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/NonNullable.d.ts:40:160
TS1109: Expression expected.
  38 |  * 
  39 |  */
> 40 | export declare type NonNullable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key, depth extends Depth = 'flat'> = Cast<NonNullablePart<L, ${K & number} | K, depth>, List>;     
     |                                                                                                                                                                ^     
  41 | export {};
  42 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Nullable.d.ts:16:84
TS1005: '>' expected.
  14 |  * 
  15 |  */
> 16 | export declare type Nullable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key> = Cast<Update<L, ${K & number} | K, x | null | undefined>, List>;
     |                                                                                    ^^^
  17 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Nullable.d.ts:16:126
TS1109: Expression expected.
  14 |  * 
  15 |  */
> 16 | export declare type Nullable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key> = Cast<Update<L, ${K & number} | K, x | null | undefined>, List>;
     |                                                                                                                              ^
  17 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Nullable.d.ts:16:133
TS1109: Expression expected.
  14 |  * 
  15 |  */
> 16 | export declare type Nullable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key> = Cast<Update<L, ${K & number} | K, x | null | undefined>, List>;
     |                                                                                                                                     ^
  17 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Omit.d.ts:9:88
TS1005: '>' expected.
   7 |  * @hidden
   8 |  */
>  9 | export declare type _Omit<L extends List, K extends Key> = _ListOf<_OOmit<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K>>;
     |                                                                                        ^^^
  10 | /**
  11 |  * Remove out of L the entries of key K
  12 |  * @param L to remove from

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Omit.d.ts:9:109
TS1109: Expression expected.
   7 |  * @hidden
   8 |  */
>  9 | export declare type _Omit<L extends List, K extends Key> = _ListOf<_OOmit<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K>>;
     |                                                                                                             ^
  10 | /**
  11 |  * Remove out of L the entries of key K
  12 |  * @param L to remove from

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Pick.d.ts:9:88
TS1005: '>' expected.
   7 |  * @hidden
   8 |  */
>  9 | export declare type _Pick<L extends List, K extends Key> = _ListOf<_OPick<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K>>;
     |                                                                                        ^^^
  10 | /**
  11 |  * Extract out of L the entries of key K
  12 |  * @param L to extract from

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Pick.d.ts:9:109
TS1109: Expression expected.
   7 |  * @hidden
   8 |  */
>  9 | export declare type _Pick<L extends List, K extends Key> = _ListOf<_OPick<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K>>;
     |                                                                                                             ^
  10 | /**
  11 |  * Extract out of L the entries of key K
  12 |  * @param L to extract from

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Undefinable.d.ts:15:87
TS1005: '>' expected.
  13 |  * 
  14 |  */
> 15 | export declare type Undefinable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key> = Cast<Update<L, ${K & number} | K, x | undefined>, List>;
     |                                                                                       ^^^
  16 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Undefinable.d.ts:15:122
TS1109: Expression expected.
  13 |  * 
  14 |  */
> 15 | export declare type Undefinable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key> = Cast<Update<L, ${K & number} | K, x | undefined>, List>;
     |                                                                                                                          ^
  16 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Undefinable.d.ts:15:129
TS1109: Expression expected.
  13 |  * 
  14 |  */
> 15 | export declare type Undefinable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key> = Cast<Update<L, ${K & number} | K, x | undefined>, List>;
     |                                                                                                                                 ^
  16 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Update.d.ts:16:92
TS1005: '>' expected.
  14 |  * 
  15 |  */
> 16 | export declare type Update<L extends List, K extends Key, A extends any> = Cast<OUpdate<L, ${K & number} | K, A>, List>;
     |                                                                                            ^^^
  17 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Update.d.ts:16:115
TS1109: Expression expected.
  14 |  * 
  15 |  */
> 16 | export declare type Update<L extends List, K extends Key, A extends any> = Cast<OUpdate<L, ${K & number} | K, A>, List>;
     |                                                                                                                   ^
  17 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Update.d.ts:16:122
TS1109: Expression expected.
  14 |  * 
  15 |  */
> 16 | export declare type Update<L extends List, K extends Key, A extends any> = Cast<OUpdate<L, ${K & number} | K, A>, List>;
     |                                                                                                                          ^
  17 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Object/ListOf.d.ts:26:198
TS1110: Type expected.
  24 |  * @hidden
  25 |  */
> 26 | declare type __ListOf<O extends object> = number extends keyof O ? O[number][] : string extends keyof O ? O[string][] : symbol extends keyof O ? O[symbol][] : ___ListOf<O, Select<keyof O, number | ${number}>>;
  27 | /**
  28 |  * @hidden
  29 |  */

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Object/ListOf.d.ts:26:211
TS1109: Expression expected.
  24 |  * @hidden
  25 |  */
> 26 | declare type __ListOf<O extends object> = number extends keyof O ? O[number][] : string extends keyof O ? O[string][] : symbol extends keyof O ? O[symbol][] : ___ListOf<O, Select<keyof O, number | ${number}>>;
  27 | /**
  28 |  * @hidden
  29 |  */

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Join.d.ts
TS1160: Unterminated template literal.

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Join.d.ts:7:98
TS1005: '?' expected.
   5 |  * @hidden
   6 |  */
>  7 | declare type _Join<T extends List, D extends string> = T extends [] ? '' : T extends [Literal] ? ${T[0]} : T extends [Literal, ...infer R] ? ${T[0]}${D}${_Join<R, D>} : string;
     |                                                                                                  ^^^
   8 | /**
   9 |  * Concat many literals together
  10 |  * @param T to concat

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Join.d.ts:7:108
TS1005: ';' expected.
   5 |  * @hidden
   6 |  */
>  7 | declare type _Join<T extends List, D extends string> = T extends [] ? '' : T extends [Literal] ? ${T[0]} : T extends [Literal, ...infer R] ? ${T[0]}${D}${_Join<R, D>} : string;
     |                                                                                                            ^
   8 | /**
   9 |  * Concat many literals together
  10 |  * @param T to concat

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Join.d.ts:7:112
TS1005: ';' expected.
   5 |  * @hidden
   6 |  */
>  7 | declare type _Join<T extends List, D extends string> = T extends [] ? '' : T extends [Literal] ? ${T[0]} : T extends [Literal, ...infer R] ? ${T[0]}${D}${_Join<R, D>} : string;
     |                                                                                                                ^^^^^^^
   8 | /**
   9 |  * Concat many literals together
  10 |  * @param T to concat

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Join.d.ts:7:139
TS1005: ',' expected.
   5 |  * @hidden
   6 |  */
>  7 | declare type _Join<T extends List, D extends string> = T extends [] ? '' : T extends [Literal] ? ${T[0]} : T extends [Literal, ...infer R] ? ${T[0]}${D}${_Join<R, D>} : string;
     |                                                                                                                                           ^
   8 | /**
   9 |  * Concat many literals together
  10 |  * @param T to concat

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Join.d.ts:7:169
TS1005: '(' expected.
   5 |  * @hidden
   6 |  */
>  7 | declare type _Join<T extends List, D extends string> = T extends [] ? '' : T extends [Literal] ? ${T[0]} : T extends [Literal, ...infer R] ? ${T[0]}${D}${_Join<R, D>} : string;
   8 | /**
   9 |  * Concat many literals together
  10 |  * @param T to concat

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts
TS1160: Unterminated template literal.

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:91
TS1110: Type expected.
  4 |  * @hidden
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;
    |                                                                                           ^^^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * Replace R with W in S
  9 |  * @param S

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:100
TS1005: '}' expected.
  4 |  * @hidden
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;
    |                                                                                                    ^^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * Replace R with W in S
  9 |  * @param S

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:102
TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.
  4 |  * @hidden
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;
    |                                                                                                      ^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * Replace R with W in S
  9 |  * @param S

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:104
TS1005: ';' expected.
  4 |  * @hidden
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;
    |                                                                                                        ^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * Replace R with W in S
  9 |  * @param S

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:108
TS1005: ';' expected.
  4 |  * @hidden
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;
    |                                                                                                            ^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * Replace R with W in S
  9 |  * @param S

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:115
TS1005: ';' expected.
  4 |  * @hidden
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;
    |                                                                                                                   ^^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * Replace R with W in S
  9 |  * @param S

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:131
TS1005: ';' expected.
  4 |  * @hidden
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;
    |                                                                                                                                   ^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * Replace R with W in S
  9 |  * @param S

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:132
TS1005: ';' expected.
  4 |  * @hidden
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;
    |                                                                                                                                    ^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * Replace R with W in S
  9 |  * @param S

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:137
TS1005: ';' expected.
  4 |  * @hidden
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;
    |                                                                                                                                         ^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * Replace R with W in S
  9 |  * @param S

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:141
TS1005: ';' expected.
  4 |  * @hidden
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;
    |                                                                                                                                             ^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * Replace R with W in S
  9 |  * @param S

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:8:13
TS1005: ';' expected.
   6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;        
   7 | /**
>  8 |  * Replace R with W in S
     |             ^
   9 |  * @param S
  10 |  * @param R
  11 |  * @param W

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:8:22
TS1005: ';' expected.
   6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;        
   7 | /**
>  8 |  * Replace R with W in S
     |                      ^
   9 |  * @param S
  10 |  * @param R
  11 |  * @param W

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:8:29
TS1005: ';' expected.
   6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;        
   7 | /**
>  8 |  * Replace R with W in S
     |                             ^
   9 |  * @param S
  10 |  * @param R
  11 |  * @param W

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts
TS1160: Unterminated template literal.

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:6:95
TS1110: Type expected.
  4 |  * @ignore
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type __Split<S extends string, D extends string, T extends string[] = []> = S extends ${infer BS}${D}${infer AS} ? __Split<AS, D, [...T, BS]> : [...T, S];  
    |                                                                                               ^^^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * @hidden
  9 |  */

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:6:104
TS1005: '}' expected.
  4 |  * @ignore
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type __Split<S extends string, D extends string, T extends string[] = []> = S extends ${infer BS}${D}${infer AS} ? __Split<AS, D, [...T, BS]> : [...T, S];  
    |                                                                                                        ^^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * @hidden
  9 |  */

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:6:106
TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.
  4 |  * @ignore
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type __Split<S extends string, D extends string, T extends string[] = []> = S extends ${infer BS}${D}${infer AS} ? __Split<AS, D, [...T, BS]> : [...T, S];  
    |                                                                                                          ^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * @hidden
  9 |  */

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:6:108
TS1005: ';' expected.
  4 |  * @ignore
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type __Split<S extends string, D extends string, T extends string[] = []> = S extends ${infer BS}${D}${infer AS} ? __Split<AS, D, [...T, BS]> : [...T, S];  
    |                                                                                                            ^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * @hidden
  9 |  */

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:6:112
TS1005: ';' expected.
  4 |  * @ignore
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type __Split<S extends string, D extends string, T extends string[] = []> = S extends ${infer BS}${D}${infer AS} ? __Split<AS, D, [...T, BS]> : [...T, S];  
    |                                                                                                                ^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * @hidden
  9 |  */

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:6:119
TS1005: ';' expected.
  4 |  * @ignore
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type __Split<S extends string, D extends string, T extends string[] = []> = S extends ${infer BS}${D}${infer AS} ? __Split<AS, D, [...T, BS]> : [...T, S];  
    |                                                                                                                       ^^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * @hidden
  9 |  */

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:12:11
TS1005: ';' expected.
  10 | declare type _Split<S extends string, D extends string = ''> = D extends '' ? Pop<__Split<S, D>> : __Split<S, D>;
  11 | /**
> 12 |  * Split S by D into a [[List]]
     |           ^
  13 |  * @param S to split up
  14 |  * @param D to split at
  15 |  */

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:12:18
TS1005: ';' expected.
  10 | declare type _Split<S extends string, D extends string = ''> = D extends '' ? Pop<__Split<S, D>> : __Split<S, D>;
  11 | /**
> 12 |  * Split S by D into a [[List]]
     |                  ^
  13 |  * @param S to split up
  14 |  * @param D to split at
  15 |  */

  .... more errors but not from node_modules directory (expected ones)

Running tsc

Found 65 errors in 46 files.

Expected behavior

There are too many TypeScript related errors from node_modules directory, even when node_modules is excluded in tsconfig.json.


  • fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin: 7.2.13
  • typescript: 3.8.2
  • eslint: 6.8.0
  • webpack: 5.74.0
  • os: Windows 10

Checked already:


    "compilerOptions": {
        "skipLibCheck": true,
        "skipDefaultLibCheck": true,
        "outDir": "dist",
        "baseUrl": "src",
        "module": "esnext",
        "moduleResolution": "node",
        "target": "es2019",
        "typeRoots": [
        "jsx": "react",
        "incremental": true,
        "noEmit": true,
        "pretty": true,
        "sourceMap": true,
        "esModuleInterop": true,
        "downlevelIteration": false,
        "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
        "alwaysStrict": true,
        "allowUnreachableCode": false,
        "allowUnusedLabels": false,
        "noImplicitReturns": true,
        "noImplicitThis": true,
        "noImplicitAny": true,
        "noUnusedLocals": true,
        "strictBindCallApply": true,
        "strictFunctionTypes": false,
        "strictNullChecks": true,
        "suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors": true,
        "resolveJsonModule": true
    "include": ["./src"],
    "exclude": [


        new ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin({
            typescript: {
                diagnosticOptions: {
                    semantic: true,
                    syntactic: true,
                build: true,
                mode: 'write-references',
                memoryLimit: 4096,
                configOverwrite: { compilerOptions: { skipLibCheck: true } }

Please help me understand what i'm doing wrong.

How many errors do you have when you remove diagnosticOptions field from the plugin configuration?

        new ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin({
            devServer: false,
            typescript: {
                // diagnosticOptions: {
                //     semantic: true,
                //     syntactic: true
                // },
                mode: 'write-references',
                memoryLimit: 4096,
                configOverwrite: { compilerOptions: { skipLibCheck: true } }

Found 23 errors in 31220 ms.

No more node_modules related issues, but look like it's still missing some errors tsc command produces.


Found 59 errors in 42 files.

It's maybe because of typescript package version?

tsc --version
Version 4.8.2


        "typescript": "3.8.2",

Can we accept it as a solution, or am I missing something?

You might running different ts version when using tsc command. Try running ./node_modules/.bin/tsc instead

Now I see only node_modules related errors without "my code`.

Found 93 errors.

Terminal output
node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:416:62 - error TS1005: ] expected.

416     type NonFunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends Func ? never : K]: T[K]; };

node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:416:65 - error TS1005: ; expected.

416     type NonFunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends Func ? never : K]: T[K]; };

node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:416:70 - error TS1005: ; expected.

416     type NonFunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends Func ? never : K]: T[K]; };

node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:416:94 - error TS1005: ; expected.

416     type NonFunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends Func ? never : K]: T[K]; };

node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:416:95 - error TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.

416     type NonFunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends Func ? never : K]: T[K]; };

node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:420:50 - error TS1005: ] expected.

420     type FunctionProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never]: T[K] };

node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:420:53 - error TS1005: ; expected.

420     type FunctionProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never]: T[K] };

node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:420:58 - error TS1005: ; expected.

420     type FunctionProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never]: T[K] };

node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:420:101 - error TS1005: ; expected.

420     type FunctionProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never]: T[K] };

node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:420:102 - error TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.

420     type FunctionProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never]: T[K] };

node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:420:109 - error TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.

420     type FunctionProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never]: T[K] };

node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:1380:1 - error TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.

1380 }

node_modules/@types/vanillajs-datepicker/Datepicker.d.ts:11:7 - error TS1110: Type expected.

11     | ${DatepickerOptionsOrientationVertical} ${DatepickerOptionsOrientationHorizontal}

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:121 - error TS1110: Type expected.

24 export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A[length] ? K extends number | ${number} ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:168 - error TS1005: ; expected.

24 export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A[length] ? K extends number | ${number} ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:172 - error TS1005: ; expected.

24 export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A[length] ? K extends number | ${number} ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:186 - error TS1005: ; expected.

24 export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A[length] ? K extends number | ${number} ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:207 - error TS1005: ; expected.

24 export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A[length] ? K extends number | ${number} ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:217 - error TS1005: ; expected.

24 export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A[length] ? K extends number | ${number} ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:241 - error TS1005: ; expected.

24 export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A[length] ? K extends number | ${number} ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:255 - error TS1005: ; expected.

24 export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A[length] ? K extends number | ${number} ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/Iteration.d.ts:5:10 - error TS1005: , expected.

5     value: number,

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/Iteration.d.ts:6:9 - error TS1005: , expected.

6     sign: - | 0 | +,

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/Iteration.d.ts:7:9 - error TS1005: , expected.

7     prev: keyof IterationMap,

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/Iteration.d.ts:8:9 - error TS1005: , expected.

8     next: keyof IterationMap,

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/Iteration.d.ts:9:9 - error TS1005: , expected.

9     oppo: keyof IterationMap

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/IterationOf.d.ts:20:53 - error TS1110: Type expected.

20 export declare type IterationOf<N extends number> = ${N} extends keyof IterationMap ? IterationMap[${N}] : IterationMap[__];

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/IterationOf.d.ts:20:60 - error TS1005: ; expected.

20 export declare type IterationOf<N extends number> = ${N} extends keyof IterationMap ? IterationMap[${N}] : IterationMap[__];

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/IterationOf.d.ts:20:74 - error TS1005: ; expected.

20 export declare type IterationOf<N extends number> = ${N} extends keyof IterationMap ? IterationMap[${N}] : IterationMap[__];

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/Key.d.ts:16:48 - error TS1110: Type expected.

16 export declare type Key<I extends Iteration> = ${I[0]};

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:94 - error TS1005: > expected.

25 export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:115 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

25 export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:129 - error TS1005: ; expected.

25 export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:135 - error TS1005: : expected.

25 export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:169 - error TS1005: ( expected.

25 export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:177 - error TS1005: , expected.

25 export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:184 - error TS1005: ) expected.

25 export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:110 - error TS1005: > expected.

18 export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:139 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

18 export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:153 - error TS1005: ; expected.

18 export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:161 - error TS1005: : expected.

18 export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:196 - error TS1005: ( expected.

18 export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:204 - error TS1005: , expected.

18 export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:211 - error TS1005: ) expected.

18 export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Has.d.ts:17:130 - error TS1005: > expected.

17 export declare type Has<L extends List, K extends Key, M extends any = any, match extends Match = default> = OHas<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, M, match>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Has.d.ts:17:160 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

17 export declare type Has<L extends List, K extends Key, M extends any = any, match extends Match = default> = OHas<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, M, match>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/NonNullable.d.ts:40:126 - error TS1005: > expected.

40 export declare type NonNullable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key, depth extends Depth = flat> = Cast<NonNullablePart<L, ${K & number} | K, depth>, List>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/NonNullable.d.ts:40:153 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

40 export declare type NonNullable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key, depth extends Depth = flat> = Cast<NonNullablePart<L, ${K & number} | K, depth>, List>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/NonNullable.d.ts:40:160 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

40 export declare type NonNullable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key, depth extends Depth = flat> = Cast<NonNullablePart<L, ${K & number} | K, depth>, List>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Nullable.d.ts:16:84 - error TS1005: > expected.

16 export declare type Nullable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key> = Cast<Update<L, ${K & number} | K, x | null | undefined>, List>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Nullable.d.ts:16:126 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

16 export declare type Nullable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key> = Cast<Update<L, ${K & number} | K, x | null | undefined>, List>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Nullable.d.ts:16:133 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

16 export declare type Nullable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key> = Cast<Update<L, ${K & number} | K, x | null | undefined>, List>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Omit.d.ts:9:88 - error TS1005: > expected.

9 export declare type _Omit<L extends List, K extends Key> = _ListOf<_OOmit<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K>>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Omit.d.ts:9:109 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

9 export declare type _Omit<L extends List, K extends Key> = _ListOf<_OOmit<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K>>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Pick.d.ts:9:88 - error TS1005: > expected.

9 export declare type _Pick<L extends List, K extends Key> = _ListOf<_OPick<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K>>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Pick.d.ts:9:109 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

9 export declare type _Pick<L extends List, K extends Key> = _ListOf<_OPick<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K>>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Undefinable.d.ts:15:87 - error TS1005: > expected.

15 export declare type Undefinable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key> = Cast<Update<L, ${K & number} | K, x | undefined>, List>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Undefinable.d.ts:15:122 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

15 export declare type Undefinable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key> = Cast<Update<L, ${K & number} | K, x | undefined>, List>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Undefinable.d.ts:15:129 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

15 export declare type Undefinable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key> = Cast<Update<L, ${K & number} | K, x | undefined>, List>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Update.d.ts:16:92 - error TS1005: > expected.

16 export declare type Update<L extends List, K extends Key, A extends any> = Cast<OUpdate<L, ${K & number} | K, A>, List>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Update.d.ts:16:115 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

16 export declare type Update<L extends List, K extends Key, A extends any> = Cast<OUpdate<L, ${K & number} | K, A>, List>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Update.d.ts:16:122 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

16 export declare type Update<L extends List, K extends Key, A extends any> = Cast<OUpdate<L, ${K & number} | K, A>, List>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Object/ListOf.d.ts:26:198 - error TS1110: Type expected.

26 declare type __ListOf<O extends object> = number extends keyof O ? O[number][] : string extends keyof O ? O[string][] : symbol extends keyof O ? O[symbol][] : ___ListOf<O, Select<keyof O, number | ${number}>>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Object/ListOf.d.ts:26:211 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

26 declare type __ListOf<O extends object> = number extends keyof O ? O[number][] : string extends keyof O ? O[string][] : symbol extends keyof O ? O[symbol][] : ___ListOf<O, Select<keyof O, number | ${number}>>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Join.d.ts:7:98 - error TS1005: ? expected.

7 declare type _Join<T extends List, D extends string> = T extends [] ?  : T extends [Literal] ? ${T[0]} : T extends [Literal, ...infer R] ? ${T[0]}${D}${_Join<R, D>} : string;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Join.d.ts:7:108 - error TS1005: ; expected.

7 declare type _Join<T extends List, D extends string> = T extends [] ?  : T extends [Literal] ? ${T[0]} : T extends [Literal, ...infer R] ? ${T[0]}${D}${_Join<R, D>} : string;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Join.d.ts:7:112 - error TS1005: ; expected.

7 declare type _Join<T extends List, D extends string> = T extends [] ?  : T extends [Literal] ? ${T[0]} : T extends [Literal, ...infer R] ? ${T[0]}${D}${_Join<R, D>} : string;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Join.d.ts:7:139 - error TS1005: , expected.

7 declare type _Join<T extends List, D extends string> = T extends [] ?  : T extends [Literal] ? ${T[0]} : T extends [Literal, ...infer R] ? ${T[0]}${D}${_Join<R, D>} : string;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Join.d.ts:7:169 - error TS1005: ( expected.

7 declare type _Join<T extends List, D extends string> = T extends [] ?  : T extends [Literal] ? ${T[0]} : T extends [Literal, ...infer R] ? ${T[0]}${D}${_Join<R, D>} : string;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Join.d.ts:15:1 - error TS1160: Unterminated template literal.


node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:91 - error TS1110: Type expected.

6 declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:100 - error TS1005: } expected.

6 declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:102 - error TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.

6 declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:104 - error TS1005: ; expected.

6 declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:108 - error TS1005: ; expected.

6 declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:115 - error TS1005: ; expected.

6 declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:131 - error TS1005: ; expected.

6 declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:132 - error TS1005: ; expected.

6 declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:137 - error TS1005: ; expected.

6 declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:141 - error TS1005: ; expected.

6 declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:8:13 - error TS1005: ; expected.

8  * Replace R with W in S

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:8:22 - error TS1005: ; expected.

8  * Replace R with W in S

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:8:29 - error TS1005: ; expected.

8  * Replace R with W in S

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:15:1 - error TS1160: Unterminated template literal.


node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:6:95 - error TS1110: Type expected.

6 declare type __Split<S extends string, D extends string, T extends string[] = []> = S extends ${infer BS}${D}${infer AS} ? __Split<AS, D, [...T, BS]> : [...T, S];

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:6:104 - error TS1005: } expected.

6 declare type __Split<S extends string, D extends string, T extends string[] = []> = S extends ${infer BS}${D}${infer AS} ? __Split<AS, D, [...T, BS]> : [...T, S];

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:6:106 - error TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.

6 declare type __Split<S extends string, D extends string, T extends string[] = []> = S extends ${infer BS}${D}${infer AS} ? __Split<AS, D, [...T, BS]> : [...T, S];

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:6:108 - error TS1005: ; expected.

6 declare type __Split<S extends string, D extends string, T extends string[] = []> = S extends ${infer BS}${D}${infer AS} ? __Split<AS, D, [...T, BS]> : [...T, S];

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:6:112 - error TS1005: ; expected.

6 declare type __Split<S extends string, D extends string, T extends string[] = []> = S extends ${infer BS}${D}${infer AS} ? __Split<AS, D, [...T, BS]> : [...T, S];

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:6:119 - error TS1005: ; expected.

6 declare type __Split<S extends string, D extends string, T extends string[] = []> = S extends ${infer BS}${D}${infer AS} ? __Split<AS, D, [...T, BS]> : [...T, S];

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:12:11 - error TS1005: ; expected.

12  * Split S by D into a [[List]]

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:12:18 - error TS1005: ; expected.

12  * Split S by D into a [[List]]

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:18:1 - error TS1160: Unterminated template literal.


Found 93 errors.

Weird... Maybe try to run ./node_modules/.bin/tsc --noEmit --project ./tsconfig.json to be sure that it's using tsconfig.json configuration. I will not be able to help you without reproduction repository, but in general it looks like typescript/configuration issue - not strictly related to the plugin itself.

The same.

./node_modules/.bin/tsc --noEmit --project ./tsconfig.json

Found 93 errors.

Terminal output
node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:416:62 - error TS1005: ] expected.

416     type NonFunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends Func ? never : K]: T[K]; };

node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:416:65 - error TS1005: ; expected.

416     type NonFunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends Func ? never : K]: T[K]; };

node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:416:70 - error TS1005: ; expected.

416     type NonFunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends Func ? never : K]: T[K]; };

node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:416:94 - error TS1005: ; expected.

416     type NonFunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends Func ? never : K]: T[K]; };

node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:416:95 - error TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.

416     type NonFunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends Func ? never : K]: T[K]; };

node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:420:50 - error TS1005: ] expected.

420     type FunctionProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never]: T[K] };

node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:420:53 - error TS1005: ; expected.

420     type FunctionProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never]: T[K] };

node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:420:58 - error TS1005: ; expected.

420     type FunctionProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never]: T[K] };

node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:420:101 - error TS1005: ; expected.

420     type FunctionProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never]: T[K] };

node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:420:102 - error TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.

420     type FunctionProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never]: T[K] };

node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:420:109 - error TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.

420     type FunctionProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never]: T[K] };

node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:1380:1 - error TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.

1380 }

node_modules/@types/vanillajs-datepicker/Datepicker.d.ts:11:7 - error TS1110: Type expected.

11     | ${DatepickerOptionsOrientationVertical} ${DatepickerOptionsOrientationHorizontal}

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:121 - error TS1110: Type expected.

24 export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A[length] ? K extends number | ${number} ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:168 - error TS1005: ; expected.

24 export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A[length] ? K extends number | ${number} ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:172 - error TS1005: ; expected.

24 export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A[length] ? K extends number | ${number} ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:186 - error TS1005: ; expected.

24 export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A[length] ? K extends number | ${number} ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:207 - error TS1005: ; expected.

24 export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A[length] ? K extends number | ${number} ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:217 - error TS1005: ; expected.

24 export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A[length] ? K extends number | ${number} ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;
node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:241 - error TS1005: ; expected.

24 export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A[length] ? K extends number | ${number} ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:255 - error TS1005: ; expected.

24 export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A[length] ? K extends number | ${number} ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/Iteration.d.ts:5:10 - error TS1005: , expected.

5     value: number,

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/Iteration.d.ts:6:9 - error TS1005: , expected.

6     sign: - | 0 | +,

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/Iteration.d.ts:7:9 - error TS1005: , expected.

7     prev: keyof IterationMap,

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/Iteration.d.ts:8:9 - error TS1005: , expected.

8     next: keyof IterationMap,

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/Iteration.d.ts:9:9 - error TS1005: , expected.

9     oppo: keyof IterationMap

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/IterationOf.d.ts:20:53 - error TS1110: Type expected.

20 export declare type IterationOf<N extends number> = ${N} extends keyof IterationMap ? IterationMap[${N}] : IterationMap[__];

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/IterationOf.d.ts:20:60 - error TS1005: ; expected.

20 export declare type IterationOf<N extends number> = ${N} extends keyof IterationMap ? IterationMap[${N}] : IterationMap[__];

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/IterationOf.d.ts:20:74 - error TS1005: ; expected.

20 export declare type IterationOf<N extends number> = ${N} extends keyof IterationMap ? IterationMap[${N}] : IterationMap[__];

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/Key.d.ts:16:48 - error TS1110: Type expected.

16 export declare type Key<I extends Iteration> = ${I[0]};

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:94 - error TS1005: > expected.

25 export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:115 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

25 export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:129 - error TS1005: ; expected.

25 export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:135 - error TS1005: : expected.

25 export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:169 - error TS1005: ( expected.

25 export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:177 - error TS1005: , expected.

25 export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:184 - error TS1005: ) expected.

25 export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:110 - error TS1005: > expected.

18 export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:139 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

18 export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:153 - error TS1005: ; expected.

18 export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:161 - error TS1005: : expected.

18 export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:196 - error TS1005: ( expected.

18 export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:204 - error TS1005: , expected.

18 export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:211 - error TS1005: ) expected.

18 export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Has.d.ts:17:130 - error TS1005: > expected.

17 export declare type Has<L extends List, K extends Key, M extends any = any, match extends Match = default> = OHas<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, M, match>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Has.d.ts:17:160 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

17 export declare type Has<L extends List, K extends Key, M extends any = any, match extends Match = default> = OHas<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K, M, match>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/NonNullable.d.ts:40:126 - error TS1005: > expected.

40 export declare type NonNullable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key, depth extends Depth = flat> = Cast<NonNullablePart<L, ${K & number} | K, depth>, List>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/NonNullable.d.ts:40:153 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

40 export declare type NonNullable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key, depth extends Depth = flat> = Cast<NonNullablePart<L, ${K & number} | K, depth>, List>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/NonNullable.d.ts:40:160 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

40 export declare type NonNullable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key, depth extends Depth = flat> = Cast<NonNullablePart<L, ${K & number} | K, depth>, List>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Nullable.d.ts:16:84 - error TS1005: > expected.

16 export declare type Nullable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key> = Cast<Update<L, ${K & number} | K, x | null | undefined>, List>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Nullable.d.ts:16:126 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

16 export declare type Nullable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key> = Cast<Update<L, ${K & number} | K, x | null | undefined>, List>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Nullable.d.ts:16:133 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

16 export declare type Nullable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key> = Cast<Update<L, ${K & number} | K, x | null | undefined>, List>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Omit.d.ts:9:88 - error TS1005: > expected.

9 export declare type _Omit<L extends List, K extends Key> = _ListOf<_OOmit<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K>>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Omit.d.ts:9:109 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

9 export declare type _Omit<L extends List, K extends Key> = _ListOf<_OOmit<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K>>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Pick.d.ts:9:88 - error TS1005: > expected.

9 export declare type _Pick<L extends List, K extends Key> = _ListOf<_OPick<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K>>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Pick.d.ts:9:109 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

9 export declare type _Pick<L extends List, K extends Key> = _ListOf<_OPick<ObjectOf<L>, ${K & number} | K>>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Undefinable.d.ts:15:87 - error TS1005: > expected.

15 export declare type Undefinable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key> = Cast<Update<L, ${K & number} | K, x | undefined>, List>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Undefinable.d.ts:15:122 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

15 export declare type Undefinable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key> = Cast<Update<L, ${K & number} | K, x | undefined>, List>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Undefinable.d.ts:15:129 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

15 export declare type Undefinable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key> = Cast<Update<L, ${K & number} | K, x | undefined>, List>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Update.d.ts:16:92 - error TS1005: > expected.

16 export declare type Update<L extends List, K extends Key, A extends any> = Cast<OUpdate<L, ${K & number} | K, A>, List>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Update.d.ts:16:115 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

16 export declare type Update<L extends List, K extends Key, A extends any> = Cast<OUpdate<L, ${K & number} | K, A>, List>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Update.d.ts:16:122 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

16 export declare type Update<L extends List, K extends Key, A extends any> = Cast<OUpdate<L, ${K & number} | K, A>, List>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Object/ListOf.d.ts:26:198 - error TS1110: Type expected.

26 declare type __ListOf<O extends object> = number extends keyof O ? O[number][] : string extends keyof O ? O[string][] : symbol extends keyof O ? O[symbol][] : ___ListOf<O, Select<keyof O, number | ${number}>>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Object/ListOf.d.ts:26:211 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

26 declare type __ListOf<O extends object> = number extends keyof O ? O[number][] : string extends keyof O ? O[string][] : symbol extends keyof O ? O[symbol][] : ___ListOf<O, Select<keyof O, number | ${number}>>;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Join.d.ts:7:98 - error TS1005: ? expected.

7 declare type _Join<T extends List, D extends string> = T extends [] ?  : T extends [Literal] ? ${T[0]} : T extends [Literal, ...infer R] ? ${T[0]}${D}${_Join<R, D>} : string;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Join.d.ts:7:108 - error TS1005: ; expected.

7 declare type _Join<T extends List, D extends string> = T extends [] ?  : T extends [Literal] ? ${T[0]} : T extends [Literal, ...infer R] ? ${T[0]}${D}${_Join<R, D>} : string;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Join.d.ts:7:112 - error TS1005: ; expected.

7 declare type _Join<T extends List, D extends string> = T extends [] ?  : T extends [Literal] ? ${T[0]} : T extends [Literal, ...infer R] ? ${T[0]}${D}${_Join<R, D>} : string;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Join.d.ts:7:139 - error TS1005: , expected.

7 declare type _Join<T extends List, D extends string> = T extends [] ?  : T extends [Literal] ? ${T[0]} : T extends [Literal, ...infer R] ? ${T[0]}${D}${_Join<R, D>} : string;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Join.d.ts:7:169 - error TS1005: ( expected.

7 declare type _Join<T extends List, D extends string> = T extends [] ?  : T extends [Literal] ? ${T[0]} : T extends [Literal, ...infer R] ? ${T[0]}${D}${_Join<R, D>} : string;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Join.d.ts:15:1 - error TS1160: Unterminated template literal.


node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:91 - error TS1110: Type expected.

6 declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:100 - error TS1005: } expected.

6 declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:102 - error TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.

6 declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:104 - error TS1005: ; expected.

6 declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:108 - error TS1005: ; expected.

6 declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:115 - error TS1005: ; expected.

6 declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:131 - error TS1005: ; expected.

6 declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:132 - error TS1005: ; expected.

6 declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:137 - error TS1005: ; expected.

6 declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:141 - error TS1005: ; expected.

6 declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends ${infer BS}${R}${infer AS} ? Replace<${BS}${W}${AS}, R, W> : S;

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:8:13 - error TS1005: ; expected.

8  * Replace R with W in S

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:8:22 - error TS1005: ; expected.

8  * Replace R with W in S

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:8:29 - error TS1005: ; expected.

8  * Replace R with W in S

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:15:1 - error TS1160: Unterminated template literal.


node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:6:95 - error TS1110: Type expected.

6 declare type __Split<S extends string, D extends string, T extends string[] = []> = S extends ${infer BS}${D}${infer AS} ? __Split<AS, D, [...T, BS]> : [...T, S];

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:6:104 - error TS1005: } expected.

6 declare type __Split<S extends string, D extends string, T extends string[] = []> = S extends ${infer BS}${D}${infer AS} ? __Split<AS, D, [...T, BS]> : [...T, S];

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:6:106 - error TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.

6 declare type __Split<S extends string, D extends string, T extends string[] = []> = S extends ${infer BS}${D}${infer AS} ? __Split<AS, D, [...T, BS]> : [...T, S];

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:6:108 - error TS1005: ; expected.

6 declare type __Split<S extends string, D extends string, T extends string[] = []> = S extends ${infer BS}${D}${infer AS} ? __Split<AS, D, [...T, BS]> : [...T, S];

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:6:112 - error TS1005: ; expected.

6 declare type __Split<S extends string, D extends string, T extends string[] = []> = S extends ${infer BS}${D}${infer AS} ? __Split<AS, D, [...T, BS]> : [...T, S];

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:6:119 - error TS1005: ; expected.

6 declare type __Split<S extends string, D extends string, T extends string[] = []> = S extends ${infer BS}${D}${infer AS} ? __Split<AS, D, [...T, BS]> : [...T, S];

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:12:11 - error TS1005: ; expected.

12  * Split S by D into a [[List]]

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:12:18 - error TS1005: ; expected.

12  * Split S by D into a [[List]]

node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:18:1 - error TS1160: Unterminated template literal.


Found 93 errors.

I won't be able to share reproduction repository. I'm going to stay with commented out plugin options. (#775 (comment))

Leaving issue as opened. Maybe someone faced the same issue and would be able to share repro repo.

Thank you.

Stay safe!

same error for me

🎉 This issue has been resolved in version 8.0.0 🎉

The release is available on:

Your semantic-release bot 📦🚀

I'm checking back on issue.

Still the same error on my end.

  1. Updated fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin from 7.2.13 to 8.0.0
"fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin": "8.0.0",
  1. Uncommented diagnosticOptions from Webpack config.
        new ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin({
            devServer: true,
            typescript: {
                diagnosticOptions: {
                    semantic: true,
                    syntactic: true
                mode: 'write-references',
                memoryLimit: 4096,
                configOverwrite: { compilerOptions: { skipLibCheck: true } }
  1. Output
Terminal output
yarn run v1.22.19
$ webpack serve --env NODE_ENV=development --progress --color
<i> [webpack-dev-server] [HPM] Proxy created: /api  -> https://api.local.dev.test.xyz
<i> [webpack-dev-server] Project is running at:
<i> [webpack-dev-server] Loopback: http://localhost:3000/
<i> [webpack-dev-server] On Your Network (IPv4):
<i> [webpack-dev-server] On Your Network (IPv6): http://[fe80::a0c7:f2f7:f6:b823]:3000/
<i> [webpack-dev-server] Content not from webpack is served from 'C:\Users\company\Documents\GitLab\test\frontend\application\public\assets' directory
<i> [webpack-dev-server] 404s will fallback to '/index.html'
hidden assets 2.42 MiB 124 assets
assets by status 30.4 MiB [emitted]
assets by path locales/ 79.7 KiB
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    + 10 assets
assets by chunk 30.3 MiB (name: main)
  asset main.js 29.5 MiB [emitted] (name: main)
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asset favicon/favicon.ico 14.7 KiB [emitted] [from: public/assets/favicon/favicon.ico] [copied]
asset index.html 12.3 KiB [emitted]
asset locales-manifest.json 7.56 KiB [emitted]
asset ajax-loader.fb6f3c230cb846e25247dfaa1da94d8f.gif 4.08 KiB [emitted] (auxiliary name: main)
orphan modules 3.47 MiB (javascript) 13 KiB (runtime) [orphan] 814 modules
runtime modules 69.9 KiB 42 modules
javascript modules 7.85 MiB
modules by path ./node_modules/ 4.96 MiB 1812 modules
modules by path ./src/ 2.89 MiB 1385 modules
css modules 856 KiB
modules by path ./src/assets/styles/ 843 KiB
  css ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[2].use[1]!./src/assets/styles/semantic-ui.css (2) 843 KiB [built] [code generated]
  css ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[2].use[1]!./src/assets/styles/semantic-ui.css (1) 103 bytes [built] [code generated]
  css ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[2].use[1]!./src/assets/styles/semantic-ui.css 99 bytes [built] [code generated]
modules by path ./node_modules/ 12.7 KiB
  css ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[2].use[1]!./node_modules/react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.min.css 7.51 KiB [built] [code generated]
  css ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[2].use[1]!./node_modules/slick-carousel/slick/slick-theme.css 3.42 KiB [built] [code generated]
  css ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[2].use[1]!./node_modules/slick-carousel/slick/slick.css 1.73 KiB [built] [code generated]
webpack 5.74.0 compiled successfully in 39937 ms
ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:416:62
TS1005: ']' expected.
  414 |     type ResolvedValue<T> = T extends PromiseLike<infer U> ? U | T : never;
  415 |     // see https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/25215
> 416 |     type NonFunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends Func ? never : K]: T[K]; };
      |                                                              ^^
  417 |     type GetAccessor = 'get';
  418 |     type SetAccessor = 'set';
  419 |     type PropertyAccessors<M extends keyof T, T extends {}> = M extends NonFunctionPropertyNames<Required<T>> ? GetAccessor | SetAccessor : never;

ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:416:65
TS1005: ';' expected.
  414 |     type ResolvedValue<T> = T extends PromiseLike<infer U> ? U | T : never;
  415 |     // see https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/25215
> 416 |     type NonFunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends Func ? never : K]: T[K]; };
      |                                                                 ^
  417 |     type GetAccessor = 'get';
  418 |     type SetAccessor = 'set';
  419 |     type PropertyAccessors<M extends keyof T, T extends {}> = M extends NonFunctionPropertyNames<Required<T>> ? GetAccessor | SetAccessor : never;

ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:416:70
TS1005: ';' expected.
  414 |     type ResolvedValue<T> = T extends PromiseLike<infer U> ? U | T : never;
  415 |     // see https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/25215
> 416 |     type NonFunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends Func ? never : K]: T[K]; };
      |                                                                      ^^^^^^^
  417 |     type GetAccessor = 'get';
  418 |     type SetAccessor = 'set';
  419 |     type PropertyAccessors<M extends keyof T, T extends {}> = M extends NonFunctionPropertyNames<Required<T>> ? GetAccessor | SetAccessor : never;

ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:416:94
TS1005: ';' expected.
  414 |     type ResolvedValue<T> = T extends PromiseLike<infer U> ? U | T : never;
  415 |     // see https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/25215
> 416 |     type NonFunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends Func ? never : K]: T[K]; };
      |                                                                                              ^
  417 |     type GetAccessor = 'get';
  418 |     type SetAccessor = 'set';
  419 |     type PropertyAccessors<M extends keyof T, T extends {}> = M extends NonFunctionPropertyNames<Required<T>> ? GetAccessor | SetAccessor : never;

ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:416:95
TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.
  414 |     type ResolvedValue<T> = T extends PromiseLike<infer U> ? U | T : never;
  415 |     // see https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/25215
> 416 |     type NonFunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends Func ? never : K]: T[K]; };
      |                                                                                               ^
  417 |     type GetAccessor = 'get';
  418 |     type SetAccessor = 'set';
  419 |     type PropertyAccessors<M extends keyof T, T extends {}> = M extends NonFunctionPropertyNames<Required<T>> ? GetAccessor | SetAccessor : never;

ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:420:50
TS1005: ']' expected.
  418 |     type SetAccessor = 'set';
  419 |     type PropertyAccessors<M extends keyof T, T extends {}> = M extends NonFunctionPropertyNames<Required<T>> ? GetAccessor | SetAccessor : never;
> 420 |     type FunctionProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never]: T[K] };
      |                                                  ^^
  421 |     type FunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof FunctionProperties<T>;
  422 |     type ConstructorPropertyNames<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Constructor ? K : never }[keyof T] &
  423 |         string;

ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:420:53
TS1005: ';' expected.
  418 |     type SetAccessor = 'set';
  419 |     type PropertyAccessors<M extends keyof T, T extends {}> = M extends NonFunctionPropertyNames<Required<T>> ? GetAccessor | SetAccessor : never;
> 420 |     type FunctionProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never]: T[K] };
      |                                                     ^
  421 |     type FunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof FunctionProperties<T>;
  422 |     type ConstructorPropertyNames<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Constructor ? K : never }[keyof T] &
  423 |         string;

ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:420:58
TS1005: ';' expected.
  418 |     type SetAccessor = 'set';
  419 |     type PropertyAccessors<M extends keyof T, T extends {}> = M extends NonFunctionPropertyNames<Required<T>> ? GetAccessor | SetAccessor : never;
> 420 |     type FunctionProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never]: T[K] };
      |                                                          ^^^^^^^
  421 |     type FunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof FunctionProperties<T>;
  422 |     type ConstructorPropertyNames<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Constructor ? K : never }[keyof T] &
  423 |         string;

ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:420:101
TS1005: ';' expected.
  418 |     type SetAccessor = 'set';
  419 |     type PropertyAccessors<M extends keyof T, T extends {}> = M extends NonFunctionPropertyNames<Required<T>> ? GetAccessor | SetAccessor : never;
> 420 |     type FunctionProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never]: T[K] };
      |                                                                                                     ^
  421 |     type FunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof FunctionProperties<T>;
  422 |     type ConstructorPropertyNames<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Constructor ? K : never }[keyof T] &
  423 |         string;

ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:420:102
TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.
  418 |     type SetAccessor = 'set';
  419 |     type PropertyAccessors<M extends keyof T, T extends {}> = M extends NonFunctionPropertyNames<Required<T>> ? GetAccessor | SetAccessor : never;
> 420 |     type FunctionProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never]: T[K] };
      |                                                                                                      ^
  421 |     type FunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof FunctionProperties<T>;
  422 |     type ConstructorPropertyNames<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Constructor ? K : never }[keyof T] &
  423 |         string;

ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:420:109
TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.
  418 |     type SetAccessor = 'set';
  419 |     type PropertyAccessors<M extends keyof T, T extends {}> = M extends NonFunctionPropertyNames<Required<T>> ? GetAccessor | SetAccessor : never;
> 420 |     type FunctionProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never]: T[K] };
      |                                                                                                             ^
  421 |     type FunctionPropertyNames<T> = keyof FunctionProperties<T>;
  422 |     type ConstructorPropertyNames<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Constructor ? K : never }[keyof T] &
  423 |         string;

ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/jest/index.d.ts:1380:1
TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.
  1378 |         results: Array<MockResult<T>>;
  1379 |     }
> 1380 | }
       | ^
  1381 |
  1382 | // Jest ships with a copy of Jasmine. They monkey-patch its APIs and divergence/deprecation are expected.
  1383 | // Relevant parts of Jasmine's API are below so they can be changed and removed over time.

ERROR in ./node_modules/@types/vanillajs-datepicker/Datepicker.d.ts:11:7
TS1110: Type expected.
   9 | export type DatepickerOptionsOrientationHorizontal = 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | 'auto';
  10 | export type DatepickerOptionsOrientation =
> 11 |     | `${DatepickerOptionsOrientationVertical} ${DatepickerOptionsOrientationHorizontal}`
     |       ^^^
  12 |     | 'auto';
  13 |
  14 | export interface DatepickerOptions {

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:121
TS1110: Type expected.
  22 |  * ```
  23 |  */
> 24 | export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A['length'] ? K extends number | `${number}` ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;
     |                                                                                                                         ^^^
  25 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:168
TS1005: ';' expected.
  22 |  * ```
  23 |  */
> 24 | export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A['length'] ? K extends number | `${number}` ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;
  25 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:172
TS1005: ';' expected.
  22 |  * ```
  23 |  */
> 24 | export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A['length'] ? K extends number | `${number}` ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;
  25 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:186
TS1005: ';' expected.
  22 |  * ```
  23 |  */
> 24 | export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A['length'] ? K extends number | `${number}` ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;
  25 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:207
TS1005: ';' expected.
  22 |  * ```
  23 |  */
> 24 | export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A['length'] ? K extends number | `${number}` ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;
  25 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:217
TS1005: ';' expected.
  22 |  * ```
  23 |  */
> 24 | export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A['length'] ? K extends number | `${number}` ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;
  25 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:241
TS1005: ';' expected.
  22 |  * ```
  23 |  */
> 24 | export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A['length'] ? K extends number | `${number}` ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;
  25 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Any/At.d.ts:24:255
TS1005: ';' expected.
  22 |  * ```
  23 |  */
> 24 | export declare type At<A extends any, K extends Key> = A extends List ? number extends A['length'] ? K extends number | `${number}` ? A[never] | undefined : undefined : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined : unknown extends A ? unknown : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : undefined;
  25 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/Iteration.d.ts:5:10
TS1005: ',' expected.
  3 |  */
  4 | export declare type Iteration = [
> 5 |     value: number,
    |          ^
  6 |     sign: '-' | '0' | '+',
  7 |     prev: keyof IterationMap,
  8 |     next: keyof IterationMap,

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/Iteration.d.ts:6:9
TS1005: ',' expected.
  4 | export declare type Iteration = [
  5 |     value: number,
> 6 |     sign: '-' | '0' | '+',
    |         ^
  7 |     prev: keyof IterationMap,
  8 |     next: keyof IterationMap,
  9 |     oppo: keyof IterationMap

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/Iteration.d.ts:7:9
TS1005: ',' expected.
   5 |     value: number,
   6 |     sign: '-' | '0' | '+',
>  7 |     prev: keyof IterationMap,
     |         ^
   8 |     next: keyof IterationMap,
   9 |     oppo: keyof IterationMap
  10 | ];

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/Iteration.d.ts:8:9
TS1005: ',' expected.
   6 |     sign: '-' | '0' | '+',
   7 |     prev: keyof IterationMap,
>  8 |     next: keyof IterationMap,
     |         ^
   9 |     oppo: keyof IterationMap
  10 | ];
  11 | export declare type IterationMap = {

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/Iteration.d.ts:9:9
TS1005: ',' expected.
   7 |     prev: keyof IterationMap,
   8 |     next: keyof IterationMap,
>  9 |     oppo: keyof IterationMap
     |         ^
  10 | ];
  11 | export declare type IterationMap = {
  12 |     '__': [number, '-' | '0' | '+', '__', '__', '__'];

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/IterationOf.d.ts:20:53
TS1110: Type expected.
  18 |  * ```
  19 |  */
> 20 | export declare type IterationOf<N extends number> = `${N}` extends keyof IterationMap ? IterationMap[`${N}`] : IterationMap['__'];
     |                                                     ^^^
  21 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/IterationOf.d.ts:20:60
TS1005: ';' expected.
  18 |  * ```
  19 |  */
> 20 | export declare type IterationOf<N extends number> = `${N}` extends keyof IterationMap ? IterationMap[`${N}`] : IterationMap['__'];
     |                                                            ^^^^^^^
  21 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/IterationOf.d.ts:20:74
TS1005: ';' expected.
  18 |  * ```
  19 |  */
> 20 | export declare type IterationOf<N extends number> = `${N}` extends keyof IterationMap ? IterationMap[`${N}`] : IterationMap['__'];
     |                                                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  21 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Iteration/Key.d.ts:16:48
TS1110: Type expected.
  14 |  * ```
  15 |  */
> 16 | export declare type Key<I extends Iteration> = `${I[0]}`;
     |                                                ^^^
  17 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:94
TS1005: '>' expected.
  23 |  * ```
  24 |  */
> 25 | export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, `${K & number}` | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & 
{}> : never : never;
     |                                                                                              ^^^
  26 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:115
TS1109: Expression expected.
  23 |  * ```
  24 |  */
> 25 | export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, `${K & number}` | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & 
{}> : never : never;
     |                                                                                                                   ^^^^^^^
  26 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:129
TS1005: ';' expected.
  23 |  * ```
  24 |  */
> 25 | export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, `${K & number}` | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & 
{}> : never : never;
     |                                                                                                                                 ^
  26 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:135
TS1005: ':' expected.
  23 |  * ```
  24 |  */
> 25 | export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, `${K & number}` | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & 
{}> : never : never;
     |                                                                                                                                       ^^^^^^^
  26 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:169
TS1005: '(' expected.
  23 |  * ```
  24 |  */
> 25 | export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, `${K & number}` | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & 
{}> : never : never;
  26 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:177
TS1005: ',' expected.
  23 |  * ```
  24 |  */
> 25 | export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, `${K & number}` | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & 
{}> : never : never;
  26 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/AtLeast.d.ts:25:184
TS1005: ')' expected.
  23 |  * ```
  24 |  */
> 25 | export declare type AtLeast<L extends List, K extends Key = Keys<L>> = OAtLeast<ObjectOf<L>, `${K & number}` | K> extends infer U ? U extends unknown ? _ListOf<U & 
{}> : never : never;
  26 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:110
TS1005: '>' expected.
  16 |  * ```
  17 |  */
> 18 | export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, `${K & number}` | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;
     |                                                                                                              ^^^
  19 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:139
TS1109: Expression expected.
  16 |  * ```
  17 |  */
> 18 | export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, `${K & number}` | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;
     |                                                                                                                                           ^^^^^^^
  19 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:153
TS1005: ';' expected.
  16 |  * ```
  17 |  */
> 18 | export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, `${K & number}` | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;
     |                                                                                                                                                         ^^
  19 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:161
TS1005: ':' expected.
  16 |  * ```
  17 |  */
> 18 | export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, `${K & number}` | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;
     |                                                                                                                                                                 ^^^^^^^
  19 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:196
TS1005: '(' expected.
  16 |  * ```
  17 |  */
> 18 | export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, `${K & number}` | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;
  19 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:204
TS1005: ',' expected.
  16 |  * ```
  17 |  */
> 18 | export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, `${K & number}` | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;
  19 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Either.d.ts:18:211
TS1005: ')' expected.
  16 |  * ```
  17 |  */
> 18 | export declare type Either<L extends List, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = OEither<ObjectOf<L>, `${K & number}` | K, strict> extends infer OE ? OE extends unknown ? _ListOf<OE & {}> : never : never;
  19 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Has.d.ts:17:130
TS1005: '>' expected.
  15 |  * ```
  16 |  */
> 17 | export declare type Has<L extends List, K extends Key, M extends any = any, match extends Match = 'default'> = OHas<ObjectOf<L>, `${K & number}` | K, M, match>;    
     |                                                                                                                                  ^^^
  18 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Has.d.ts:17:160
TS1109: Expression expected.
  15 |  * ```
  16 |  */
> 17 | export declare type Has<L extends List, K extends Key, M extends any = any, match extends Match = 'default'> = OHas<ObjectOf<L>, `${K & number}` | K, M, match>;    
     |                                                                                                                                                                ^    
  18 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/NonNullable.d.ts:40:126
TS1005: '>' expected.
  38 |  * ```
  39 |  */
> 40 | export declare type NonNullable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key, depth extends Depth = 'flat'> = Cast<NonNullablePart<L, `${K & number}` | K, depth>, List>;
     |                                                                                                                              ^^^
  41 | export {};
  42 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/NonNullable.d.ts:40:153
TS1109: Expression expected.
  38 |  * ```
  39 |  */
> 40 | export declare type NonNullable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key, depth extends Depth = 'flat'> = Cast<NonNullablePart<L, `${K & number}` | K, depth>, List>;    
     |                                                                                                                                                         ^
  41 | export {};
  42 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/NonNullable.d.ts:40:160
TS1109: Expression expected.
  38 |  * ```
  39 |  */
> 40 | export declare type NonNullable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key, depth extends Depth = 'flat'> = Cast<NonNullablePart<L, `${K & number}` | K, depth>, List>;    
     |                                                                                                                                                                ^    
  41 | export {};
  42 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Nullable.d.ts:16:84
TS1005: '>' expected.
  14 |  * ```
  15 |  */
> 16 | export declare type Nullable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key> = Cast<Update<L, `${K & number}` | K, x | null | undefined>, List>;
     |                                                                                    ^^^
  17 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Nullable.d.ts:16:126
TS1109: Expression expected.
  14 |  * ```
  15 |  */
> 16 | export declare type Nullable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key> = Cast<Update<L, `${K & number}` | K, x | null | undefined>, List>;
     |                                                                                                                              ^
  17 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Nullable.d.ts:16:133
TS1109: Expression expected.
  14 |  * ```
  15 |  */
> 16 | export declare type Nullable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key> = Cast<Update<L, `${K & number}` | K, x | null | undefined>, List>;
     |                                                                                                                                     ^
  17 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Omit.d.ts:9:88
TS1005: '>' expected.
   7 |  * @hidden
   8 |  */
>  9 | export declare type _Omit<L extends List, K extends Key> = _ListOf<_OOmit<ObjectOf<L>, `${K & number}` | K>>;
     |                                                                                        ^^^
  10 | /**
  11 |  * Remove out of `L` the entries of key `K`
  12 |  * @param L to remove from

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Omit.d.ts:9:109
TS1109: Expression expected.
   7 |  * @hidden
   8 |  */
>  9 | export declare type _Omit<L extends List, K extends Key> = _ListOf<_OOmit<ObjectOf<L>, `${K & number}` | K>>;
     |                                                                                                             ^
  10 | /**
  11 |  * Remove out of `L` the entries of key `K`
  12 |  * @param L to remove from

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Pick.d.ts:9:88
TS1005: '>' expected.
   7 |  * @hidden
   8 |  */
>  9 | export declare type _Pick<L extends List, K extends Key> = _ListOf<_OPick<ObjectOf<L>, `${K & number}` | K>>;
     |                                                                                        ^^^
  10 | /**
  11 |  * Extract out of `L` the entries of key `K`
  12 |  * @param L to extract from

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Pick.d.ts:9:109
TS1109: Expression expected.
   7 |  * @hidden
   8 |  */
>  9 | export declare type _Pick<L extends List, K extends Key> = _ListOf<_OPick<ObjectOf<L>, `${K & number}` | K>>;
     |                                                                                                             ^
  10 | /**
  11 |  * Extract out of `L` the entries of key `K`
  12 |  * @param L to extract from

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Undefinable.d.ts:15:87
TS1005: '>' expected.
  13 |  * ```
  14 |  */
> 15 | export declare type Undefinable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key> = Cast<Update<L, `${K & number}` | K, x | undefined>, List>;
     |                                                                                       ^^^
  16 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Undefinable.d.ts:15:122
TS1109: Expression expected.
  13 |  * ```
  14 |  */
> 15 | export declare type Undefinable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key> = Cast<Update<L, `${K & number}` | K, x | undefined>, List>;
     |                                                                                                                          ^
  16 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Undefinable.d.ts:15:129
TS1109: Expression expected.
  13 |  * ```
  14 |  */
> 15 | export declare type Undefinable<L extends List, K extends Key = Key> = Cast<Update<L, `${K & number}` | K, x | undefined>, List>;
     |                                                                                                                                 ^
  16 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Update.d.ts:16:92
TS1005: '>' expected.
  14 |  * ```
  15 |  */
> 16 | export declare type Update<L extends List, K extends Key, A extends any> = Cast<OUpdate<L, `${K & number}` | K, A>, List>;
     |                                                                                            ^^^
  17 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Update.d.ts:16:115
TS1109: Expression expected.
  14 |  * ```
  15 |  */
> 16 | export declare type Update<L extends List, K extends Key, A extends any> = Cast<OUpdate<L, `${K & number}` | K, A>, List>;
     |                                                                                                                   ^
  17 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/List/Update.d.ts:16:122
TS1109: Expression expected.
  14 |  * ```
  15 |  */
> 16 | export declare type Update<L extends List, K extends Key, A extends any> = Cast<OUpdate<L, `${K & number}` | K, A>, List>;
     |                                                                                                                          ^
  17 |

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Object/ListOf.d.ts:26:198
TS1110: Type expected.
  24 |  * @hidden
  25 |  */
> 26 | declare type __ListOf<O extends object> = number extends keyof O ? O[number][] : string extends keyof O ? O[string][] : symbol extends keyof O ? O[symbol][] : ___ListOf<O, Select<keyof O, number | `${number}`>>;
  27 | /**
  28 |  * @hidden
  29 |  */

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/Object/ListOf.d.ts:26:211
TS1109: Expression expected.
  24 |  * @hidden
  25 |  */
> 26 | declare type __ListOf<O extends object> = number extends keyof O ? O[number][] : string extends keyof O ? O[string][] : symbol extends keyof O ? O[symbol][] : ___ListOf<O, Select<keyof O, number | `${number}`>>;
  27 | /**
  28 |  * @hidden
  29 |  */

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Join.d.ts
TS1160: Unterminated template literal.

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Join.d.ts:7:98
TS1005: '?' expected.
   5 |  * @hidden
   6 |  */
>  7 | declare type _Join<T extends List, D extends string> = T extends [] ? '' : T extends [Literal] ? `${T[0]}` : T extends [Literal, ...infer R] ? `${T[0]}${D}${_Join<R, D>}` : string;
     |                                                                                                  ^^^
   8 | /**
   9 |  * Concat many literals together
  10 |  * @param T to concat

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Join.d.ts:7:108
TS1005: ';' expected.
   5 |  * @hidden
   6 |  */
>  7 | declare type _Join<T extends List, D extends string> = T extends [] ? '' : T extends [Literal] ? `${T[0]}` : T extends [Literal, ...infer R] ? `${T[0]}${D}${_Join<R, D>}` : string;
     |                                                                                                            ^
   8 | /**
   9 |  * Concat many literals together
  10 |  * @param T to concat

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Join.d.ts:7:112
TS1005: ';' expected.
   5 |  * @hidden
   6 |  */
>  7 | declare type _Join<T extends List, D extends string> = T extends [] ? '' : T extends [Literal] ? `${T[0]}` : T extends [Literal, ...infer R] ? `${T[0]}${D}${_Join<R, D>}` : string;
     |                                                                                                                ^^^^^^^
   8 | /**
   9 |  * Concat many literals together
  10 |  * @param T to concat

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Join.d.ts:7:139
TS1005: ',' expected.
   5 |  * @hidden
   6 |  */
>  7 | declare type _Join<T extends List, D extends string> = T extends [] ? '' : T extends [Literal] ? `${T[0]}` : T extends [Literal, ...infer R] ? `${T[0]}${D}${_Join<R, D>}` : string;
     |                                                                                                                                           ^
   8 | /**
   9 |  * Concat many literals together
  10 |  * @param T to concat

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Join.d.ts:7:169
TS1005: '(' expected.
   5 |  * @hidden
   6 |  */
>  7 | declare type _Join<T extends List, D extends string> = T extends [] ? '' : T extends [Literal] ? `${T[0]}` : T extends [Literal, ...infer R] ? `${T[0]}${D}${_Join<R, D>}` : string;
   8 | /**
   9 |  * Concat many literals together
  10 |  * @param T to concat

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts
TS1160: Unterminated template literal.

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:91
TS1110: Type expected.
  4 |  * @hidden
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends `${infer BS}${R}${infer AS}` ? Replace<`${BS}${W}${AS}`, R, W> : S;        
    |                                                                                           ^^^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * Replace `R` with `W` in `S`
  9 |  * @param S

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:100
TS1005: '}' expected.
  4 |  * @hidden
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends `${infer BS}${R}${infer AS}` ? Replace<`${BS}${W}${AS}`, R, W> : S;        
    |                                                                                                    ^^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * Replace `R` with `W` in `S`
  9 |  * @param S

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:102
TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.
  4 |  * @hidden
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends `${infer BS}${R}${infer AS}` ? Replace<`${BS}${W}${AS}`, R, W> : S;        
    |                                                                                                      ^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * Replace `R` with `W` in `S`
  9 |  * @param S

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:104
TS1005: ';' expected.
  4 |  * @hidden
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends `${infer BS}${R}${infer AS}` ? Replace<`${BS}${W}${AS}`, R, W> : S;        
    |                                                                                                        ^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * Replace `R` with `W` in `S`
  9 |  * @param S

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:108
TS1005: ';' expected.
  4 |  * @hidden
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends `${infer BS}${R}${infer AS}` ? Replace<`${BS}${W}${AS}`, R, W> : S;        
    |                                                                                                            ^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * Replace `R` with `W` in `S`
  9 |  * @param S

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:115
TS1005: ';' expected.
  4 |  * @hidden
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends `${infer BS}${R}${infer AS}` ? Replace<`${BS}${W}${AS}`, R, W> : S;        
    |                                                                                                                   ^^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * Replace `R` with `W` in `S`
  9 |  * @param S

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:131
TS1005: ';' expected.
  4 |  * @hidden
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends `${infer BS}${R}${infer AS}` ? Replace<`${BS}${W}${AS}`, R, W> : S;        
    |                                                                                                                                   ^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * Replace `R` with `W` in `S`
  9 |  * @param S

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:132
TS1005: ';' expected.
  4 |  * @hidden
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends `${infer BS}${R}${infer AS}` ? Replace<`${BS}${W}${AS}`, R, W> : S;        
    |                                                                                                                                    ^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * Replace `R` with `W` in `S`
  9 |  * @param S

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:137
TS1005: ';' expected.
  4 |  * @hidden
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends `${infer BS}${R}${infer AS}` ? Replace<`${BS}${W}${AS}`, R, W> : S;        
    |                                                                                                                                         ^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * Replace `R` with `W` in `S`
  9 |  * @param S

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:6:141
TS1005: ';' expected.
  4 |  * @hidden
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends `${infer BS}${R}${infer AS}` ? Replace<`${BS}${W}${AS}`, R, W> : S;        
    |                                                                                                                                             ^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * Replace `R` with `W` in `S`
  9 |  * @param S

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:8:13
TS1005: ';' expected.
   6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends `${infer BS}${R}${infer AS}` ? Replace<`${BS}${W}${AS}`, R, W> : S;       
   7 | /**
>  8 |  * Replace `R` with `W` in `S`
     |             ^
   9 |  * @param S
  10 |  * @param R
  11 |  * @param W

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:8:22
TS1005: ';' expected.
   6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends `${infer BS}${R}${infer AS}` ? Replace<`${BS}${W}${AS}`, R, W> : S;       
   7 | /**
>  8 |  * Replace `R` with `W` in `S`
     |                      ^
   9 |  * @param S
  10 |  * @param R
  11 |  * @param W

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Replace.d.ts:8:29
TS1005: ';' expected.
   6 | declare type _Replace<S extends string, R extends Literal, W extends Literal> = S extends `${infer BS}${R}${infer AS}` ? Replace<`${BS}${W}${AS}`, R, W> : S;       
   7 | /**
>  8 |  * Replace `R` with `W` in `S`
     |                             ^
   9 |  * @param S
  10 |  * @param R
  11 |  * @param W

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts
TS1160: Unterminated template literal.

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:6:95
TS1110: Type expected.
  4 |  * @ignore
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type __Split<S extends string, D extends string, T extends string[] = []> = S extends `${infer BS}${D}${infer AS}` ? __Split<AS, D, [...T, BS]> : [...T, S]; 
    |                                                                                               ^^^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * @hidden
  9 |  */

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:6:104
TS1005: '}' expected.
  4 |  * @ignore
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type __Split<S extends string, D extends string, T extends string[] = []> = S extends `${infer BS}${D}${infer AS}` ? __Split<AS, D, [...T, BS]> : [...T, S]; 
    |                                                                                                        ^^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * @hidden
  9 |  */

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:6:106
TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.
  4 |  * @ignore
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type __Split<S extends string, D extends string, T extends string[] = []> = S extends `${infer BS}${D}${infer AS}` ? __Split<AS, D, [...T, BS]> : [...T, S]; 
    |                                                                                                          ^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * @hidden
  9 |  */

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:6:108
TS1005: ';' expected.
  4 |  * @ignore
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type __Split<S extends string, D extends string, T extends string[] = []> = S extends `${infer BS}${D}${infer AS}` ? __Split<AS, D, [...T, BS]> : [...T, S]; 
    |                                                                                                            ^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * @hidden
  9 |  */

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:6:112
TS1005: ';' expected.
  4 |  * @ignore
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type __Split<S extends string, D extends string, T extends string[] = []> = S extends `${infer BS}${D}${infer AS}` ? __Split<AS, D, [...T, BS]> : [...T, S]; 
    |                                                                                                                ^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * @hidden
  9 |  */

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:6:119
TS1005: ';' expected.
  4 |  * @ignore
  5 |  */
> 6 | declare type __Split<S extends string, D extends string, T extends string[] = []> = S extends `${infer BS}${D}${infer AS}` ? __Split<AS, D, [...T, BS]> : [...T, S]; 
    |                                                                                                                       ^^
  7 | /**
  8 |  * @hidden
  9 |  */

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:12:11
TS1005: ';' expected.
  10 | declare type _Split<S extends string, D extends string = ''> = D extends '' ? Pop<__Split<S, D>> : __Split<S, D>;
  11 | /**
> 12 |  * Split `S` by `D` into a [[List]]
     |           ^
  13 |  * @param S to split up
  14 |  * @param D to split at
  15 |  */

ERROR in ./node_modules/ts-toolbelt/out/String/Split.d.ts:12:18
TS1005: ';' expected.
  10 | declare type _Split<S extends string, D extends string = ''> = D extends '' ? Pop<__Split<S, D>> : __Split<S, D>;
  11 | /**
> 12 |  * Split `S` by `D` into a [[List]]
     |                  ^
  13 |  * @param S to split up
  14 |  * @param D to split at
  15 |  */

Found 93 errors in 42077 ms.

I spent a few days trying to get type checking to work just on my project and not report issues on any libraries imported in node_modules by my project. skipLibCheck did not work as libraries in node_modules that are imported by your project are not skipped from what i have read.

What finally worked for me was to use the issue filter.

new ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin({
      // other fork-ts options
      issue: {
        exclude: [{file: 'node_modules/**/*.tsx'}, {file: 'node_modules/**/*.ts'}],

hope this helps someone