Tylous / SniffAir

A framework for wireless pentesting.

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Error: No interface selected, please try again

dimaspencer84 opened this issue · comments

I get this error message whenever I start a live capture after setting the interface. Is anybody getting the same error ? Help please!

Hi dimaspencer84, Could you please provide us with the commands you are entering as well as the error code message?

After loading my workspace, I select the Evil Twin module, then I set the interface variable and I launch the live_capture command. I used my wireless adapter as Interface.

So Evil Twin is an attack module, and live_capture is a discovery function. When you set the Interface variable, you're setting it for the module only. To use the live_capture command you need to enter "live_capture ", if you want to use the Evil Twin module and have set up all the variables you can use the command "exploit" to launch the attack.

When using the live_capture command I got the same error message. That's why I entered a module to set to interface variable...
Or am I doing anything wrong ? Should I do something first before launching the command ? Or maybe my wireless card isn't supported....

You need to put the command live_capture and then specify the interface, for example live_capture wlan0


I load live_capture wlan0 and get this, and it never stops. just hangs until i end it.

[Project][Hidden SSID]# live_capture wlan0
[+] Stopping Network-manager Service....
[+] Stopping WPA_Supplicant Service....