Twinside / Juicy.Pixels

Haskell library to load & save pictures

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Infinite loop in palettize

Fabus1184 opened this issue · comments

In the palettize function when the PaletteCreationMode Uniform is used, in the corresponding function uniformQuantization when maxCols is less than 8 this causes bitDiv3 to return 0 as at least one element of the tuple (bg, br, bb) which then causes the corresponding list to evaluate to [0, 0 .. 255] which will never terminate.

uniformQuantization :: PaletteOptions -> Image PixelRGB8 -> (Image Pixel8, Palette)
uniformQuantization opts img
-- -| colorCount img <= maxCols = colorQuantExact img
| enableImageDithering opts =
(pixelMap paletteIndex (pixelMapXY dither img), palette)
| otherwise = (pixelMap paletteIndex img, palette)
maxCols = paletteColorCount opts
palette = listToPalette paletteList
paletteList = [PixelRGB8 r g b | r <- [0,dr..255]
, g <- [0,dg..255]
, b <- [0,db..255]]
(bg, br, bb) = bitDiv3 maxCols
(dr, dg, db) = (2^(8-br), 2^(8-bg), 2^(8-bb))
paletteIndex (PixelRGB8 r g b) = fromIntegral $ fromMaybe 0 (elemIndex
(PixelRGB8 (r .&. negate dr) (g .&. negate dg) (b .&. negate db))

In my case, this causes the program to use 100% of the CPU filling up the RAM until the system hangs.

If values of less than 8 are not considered valid then this should be at least mentioned in the documentation or there should be a check of some sort.