Twinklebear / webgl-volume-raycaster

A WebGL Volume Raycaster

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Volume Raycasting in Cesium

polluxll opened this issue · comments

I sent a mail to you,but was rejected by server!
I want to add a CT scan data on Cesium,I've been doing it these days. I'm not sure why it's failing.Please give me some suggestions!


Hey @polluxll , it probably bounced because the mail server probably doesn't allow sending .zip files for security reasons. I'm not sure I follow you question, are you trying to integrate the volume raycaster into Cesium? Or render some dataset from that post with the WebGL volume renderer?

Finally,I want to integrate the volume raycaster into Cesium.I update the code in file,I think the IntersectBox function doesn't work well on globe surface,and I sent you a new mail.

This does look interesting! I sent a reply to your email, but since this project is focused on just rendering rectangular grid volumes I'll close this issue and we can discuss some over email.