Turnerj / forem-dotnet

.NET API interface for Forem apps. Forem is the platform which powers DEV and other online communities.

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Add API Surfaces

Turnerj opened this issue · comments

Currently only the Articles API is really covered by the library (https://docs.dev.to/api/#tag/articles). It would be useful to start adding the other APIs to the library too.

@Turnerj I can help with that

Thanks @fgiuliani ! Is there any particular API you'd like to add first? Happy to take them as individual PRs or one PR with everything, whatever works best for you.

For implementing it, you can use my ArticleService class as a guide and create an appropriate interface like how I have IArticleApi. The ApiService class provides the helper methods for constructing the requests for GET and PUT.

If you have any questions or need any help, leave a comment and I'll get back to you. 🙂

@Turnerj I can start working on comments API. Is that ok?
Thank you!

Sounds great!

Comments API done here

To continue with the other APIs, should we keep this issue open or should we create separate issues for them?

Thanks so much for working on this. I've created a few more issues for specific APIs to work on next - just comment on whatever one you want to work on and I'll assign it to you.

If you are really keen, it would be great to be able to standup an instance of DEV on the CI so we can actually test some of the "writing" API endpoints. I've got #20 open if you want to take a shot at it. 🙂