Tulpep / Active-Directory-Object-Picker

The standard Active Directory object picker dialog for .NET

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

.NET Versions, NuGet and Symbols

dahall opened this issue · comments

Issues #17 and #21 both asked for different versions. I'm specifically asking for a common NuGet model of deploying multiple libraries compiled to different versions and also include symbol files and XML documentation to help with writing and debugging. I have forked and made the changes to the project file (allowing for compiling against .NET versions 2.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5.2) along with the changes to product debug (PDB) and XML documentation files and am about to submit a pull request. I have also added support for credentials (Issue #14) and have changed the project, where applicable, to remove simple properties to auto-properties.

Hello, when do you plan to update the NuGet package so it can work on .NET 2.0?
Everything looks fine code-wise.

We'll be realasing a new version later today.

@codingneat we need to upgrade the digital certificate today, so the continues integration server release a new version!

@adriencarbonne I was trying to make it work but it does not work. It was not related to digital signatures or nuget api keys, that I intially thought.

Thie build is failing due this line added by you

<Compile Include="ExtensionAttributeFor.NET_2.0.cs" Condition=" $(TargetFrameworkVersion.Replace('v', '')) &lt; 3.5 " />

Can you help us checking why this fail?
Here you can see the build log https://ci.appveyor.com/project/tulpep/active-directory-object-picker

Thank you!

I looked at the build log and would suggest changing that line (140) to:
<Compile Include="ExtensionAttributeFor.NET_2.0.cs" Condition=" '$(Framework)' == 'NET20' " />
According to the web, this will work with the MSBuild 12 engine being used.

The following line works with MSBuild 15.x:
<Compile Include="ExtensionAttributeFor.NET_2.0.cs" Condition=" $(TargetFrameworkVersion.Replace(&quot;v&quot;,&quot;&quot;)) == 2.0 " />

@dahall after mount pleasant changes it is working. Just release a new version. Please confirm it works as you expect so we cena close the issue.

Thanks for all your help!

@adriencarbonne a new nugget version was released!