Tufin / oasdiff

OpenAPI Diff and Breaking Changes

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Compare Parameters also on path level

tomaszhrem opened this issue · comments

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
When comparing two paths parameters are checked only when they are placed directly in operation. When we have common set placed in path then text diff don't detect any change.

Describe the solution you'd like
When comparing two operations list of parameters is merged from "parent" path and given operation so we can detect changes.

Describe alternatives you've considered
Other solution can be to leave current operation to operation parameters comparison but also compare parameters between paths when using text output.

Hi @tomaszhrem and thanks for reporting the issue.
It would be very helpful if you could provide an example demonstrating this behavior.

Hey, while preparing example files I noticed that most probably I ​incorrectly understood output from diff. E.g. No endpoint changes doesn't mean there are no changes as there is also No changes result.

For now its seems that diff detects difference in paths but I was checking only if endpoints are the same. Need to dig more on how also check paths result.

For sure if base file have parameters and in revision we move it to operation then in fact API stays the same but diff detects it as endpoint modification (New path param).

I will dig more and get back to you with detailed sum up.

In mean time - should text output print No endpoint changes if some paths are changed and in fact modifies operation/endpoint?
Example below when path params are removed in revision:

% oasdiff diff path_base.txt path_revision.txt -f yaml
            from: https://test.com
            to: https://test.com22
                        - tenant-id
                        - id


% oasdiff diff path_base.txt path_revision.txt -f text
No endpoint changes

Indeed, this is a bug.
To fix it we need to combine parameters from the path level and the operation level before diff.
Here's another symptom of the same limitation: #378

I update description to point that its text output which misses path parameters diff.
Also like you mentioned combination of path and operations params would solve false positive problem when in base we have param in path and in revision its moved to operation (or other way).