Tufin / oasdiff

OpenAPI Diff and Breaking Changes

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major version changes

Angel0926 opened this issue · comments

Hi, i use this code: oasdiff breaking "api/target/generated/openapi.yaml" "myapi-latest.yaml" --fail-on ERR

this is working, but i want to understand that the build of this code fails when our major version changes?

Sorry, but I don't understand the question.
Could you share the specs you compare, the output you receive and the desired output?

I compare the current and previous version of openapi.yaml and if there are changes, the build failed, but I need it so that if the version changes, the build doesn’t failed

Okay, I think I understand now.
You want to enforce a policy which allows breaking changes only if the major version was changed.

For example:
A breaking change between v1.7.1 -> v1.8.0 is allowed
A breaking change between v1.7.1 -> v1.7.2 is not allowed

Is this correct?

Are there any other constraints you require for breaking changes? For example:

  • an end point should be deprecated before it's deleted
  • an endpoint can only be deleted after the sunset date

@reuvenharrison no) i want A breaking change between v1.7.1 -> v1.7.2 is allowed,
that is, if the versions are different, then allow

or if we in build process can say or send cahnges and asked we agree with changes if yes allow if not failed

@reuvenharrison also i want understand can i choose only that scenaries where i want allow break and changes?

--include-checks do it, or it adds scripts to the existing list?

Hi @Angel0926,
I think your requirements can be solved but they would require some development, either within oasdiff or as an external program.
I invite you to join our slack community where we can discuss this privately: