Tsubajashi / mpv-settings

basically my settings for MPV

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config breaking webm converter

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this option breaks the webm converter for some reason.
open a video file from some url, try the webm converter (vp8), errors out (nothing specific)

will try to reproduce after i slept.
though, immediate is there to have the screen instantly pop up even when it buffers so you know your system isnt hanging.

can you confirm that its fixed? just commented the specific function.

I can't really figure that out as now using this: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Tsubajashi/mpv-settings/master/mpv_windows.conf
makes youtube-dl play normally for a minute or so, but then the audio continues while the video frame stops changing
reverting to my own config, youtube-dl works fine
something weird is going on but I'm not sure what

can you send me your config so I can compare where the issue might comes from? didn't experience it on my end on 3 different devices with all OS I support

I didn't change much, but this is my working config now:

Thanks! i will look into it.

after careful investigation, i still wasnt able to reproduce it on my end (on windows, mac, and linux). could you verify that it works with a newer version of MPV? plus, do you have - in any case - vsync disabled in your graphics cards software ,or if you are on linux, you disabled it on a compositor level?
Also, sorry that it took me so long to get back to you.

Still the same problem with latest mpv verion. Webm converter only works when I comment out #force-window=immediate under [protocol-network]

vsync is on(win10, using nvidia gpu)
turning vsync off for mpv makes the video play at a way faster speed than the audio, so I'm keeping vsync on.

interesting. yea vsync should always stay on.
ill put your idea of the fix in my next cleanup of the repo. currently pretty busy building my TVP so mpv-settings got a backseat at first.

just made a few more updates - can you redownload and check if it works for you? :)
if so, you can close the issue then - have fun with the new UI!

i also added the webm converter to the config so you dont need to fiddle around with anything anymore :)

i also added the webm converter to the config so you dont need to fiddle around with anything anymore :)

Thank you!

Since there was no response in 13 days, i think i can close the issue - i will reopen it if you still have the problem :)