TryGhost / node-sqlite3

SQLite3 bindings for Node.js

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Confused and not clear docs about `serialize`

vitonsky opened this issue · comments

Issue Summary

I need to execute few SQL queries and wrap it in transaction, to ensure data consistency.
I see DB have method serialize and i've read the docs

It is absolutely not clear how this method works technically. Some questions i have after read:

  • How works this wrapper? Why SQL queries inside callback will executes one by one?
  • Can i wrap callbacks to promises? Is it will still executes one by one?
  • How to wrap to promises to make my code with complex request inside transaction are flatten?

Steps to Reproduce



Node.js Version


How did you install the library?

npm i sqlite3

For promises, I created prun using p/deferred from the promesa library in clojurescript:

(defn- prun [db sql & [args]]
  (let [p (p/deferred)]
    #_(js/console.debug (format "running sql: %s with args: %s" sql args))
    (.run db sql (if args (clj->js args) #js [])
          (fn [err]
            (if err
              (p/reject! p (js->clj err))
              (p/resolve! p (this-as t {:last-id (.-lastID t)
                                        :changes (.-changes t)})))))

You could do similarly in plain JavaScript.