TryGhost / eleventy-starter-ghost

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TemplateWriterWriteError - after publishing a new blog post

forgondolin opened this issue · comments

Hello, sorry for bothering again. I made some style changes and published just a test post, with title and small text, but it didn't render in the static page. I tried a yarn build and that was the result:

Error writing templates: (more in DEBUG output)

Having trouble writing template: dist/index.html

TemplateWriterWriteError was thrown

Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined

TypeError was thrown:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined
at processImage (...\eleventy-starter-ghost\node_modules\eleventy-plugin-lazyimages.eleventy.js:150:45)
at ...\eleventy-starter-ghost\node_modules\eleventy-plugin-lazyimages.eleventy.js:198:47
at ()
at Template.transformMarkup (...\eleventy-starter-ghost\node_modules\eleventy-plugin-lazyimages.eleventy.js:198:32)
at Template.runTransforms (...\eleventy-starter-ghost\node_modules@11ty\eleventy\src\Template.js:369:29)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
at async Template.renderPageEntry (...\eleventy-starter-ghost\node_modules@11ty\eleventy\src\Template.js:609:15)
at async Template.writeMapEntry (...\eleventy-starter-ghost\node_modules@11ty\eleventy\src\Template.js:616:21)
at async Promise.all (index 5)

I also made a new fresh clone of this repo without editing and got the same error.
in the plugin eleventy.js thats the step where the toLowerCase() is called:
if (!supportedExtensions.includes(fileExt.toLowerCase())) { logMessage(${fileExt} placeholder not supported: ${imgPath}); return;

Thanks again

Hey there, did you make sure to follow the installation steps? You might need to run yarn to install dependencies first

Hello David, yes I've installed the dependencies. The application was running well until the moment I've made a new post.
I even tried to purge, clean cache, but it didn't work well...

Is this the first post you added other than the default posts? If so it sounds like you haven’t added your api details, and are still using the default details

If by api details you mean:

Yes, I've made some changes, the only difference is that I'm running Ghost local on port 2563

Ah cool, you'll also need to set the GHOST_API_URL to the URL of your Ghost site which I guess will be http://localhost:2563. Plus that site will need to be running at the same time as the eleventy project, so the API is available for Eleventy to pull from it