Troyanovsky / Local-LLM-Comparison-Colab-UI

Compare the performance of different LLM that can be deployed locally on consumer hardware. Run yourself with Colab WebUI.

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Integrate with LiteLLM - Evaluate 100+LLMs, 92% faster

ishaan-jaff opened this issue · comments

Hi @Troyanovsky @klipski I'm the maintainer of LiteLLM. we allow you to create a proxy server to call 100+ LLMs to make it easier to run benchmark / evals .

I'm making this issue because I believe LiteLLM makes it easier for you to run benchmarks and evaluate LLMs (I'd love your feedback if it does not)

Try it here:

Using LiteLLM Proxy Server

Creating a proxy server

Ollama models

$ litellm --model ollama/llama2 --api_base http://localhost:11434

Hugging Face Models

$ export HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY=my-api-key #[OPTIONAL]
$ litellm --model claude-instant-1


$ export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=my-api-key
$ litellm --model claude-instant-1


$ export PALM_API_KEY=my-palm-key
$ litellm --model palm/chat-bison

Using to run an eval on lm harness:

python3 -m lm_eval \
  --model openai-completions \
  --model_args engine=davinci \
  --task crows_pairs_english_age