TroyAlford / react-jsx-parser

A React component which can parse JSX and output rendered React Components.

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JSX template with inline maping function

QuentinVrel opened this issue · comments

Hello, and thank you for this library which does exactly what I have been looking for !

I would have liked to include an in-line mapping function whithin the JSX and it seems not to be possible as said in the README. My use case is that I want to render a menu in an Ionic app based on a JSON list of items and a JSX template with a mapping function.

    <IonMenu contentId="main" type="overlay">
          items: menu,
        components={{ IonList, IonMenuToggle, IonItem, IonLabel }}
<IonList id="labels-list">
  {, index) => (
  <IonMenuToggle key={index} autoHide={false}>
    <IonItem routerLink={item.URL} routerDirection="none" lines="none" detail={false}>

Is there any way to do such a thing using this library?