Trivadis / plsql-cop-cli

db* CODECOP Command Line

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

File Extensions

kkhan1008 opened this issue · comments


is it possible to analyze files with other extensions than the defaults, ie. pkg ?
I tried using the filter argument any which way as shown in the help output (filter="(pks|pkb|pkg)$"), but pkg file are being ignored.
FYI, pkg files are analyzed when renamed to any default extension.

Yes, this is a limitation of the current CLI. These are the supported file extensions:


You can reduce the list with the filter parameter but you cannot extend it. It's an open enhancement for a future release (internal ticket number is PLSQLCOP-246, we have to replace the Eclipse based file association with an own mechanism). For commercial licensees we extend the list on request.

For the time being you have to rename the file extension to process it with the PL/SQL Cop CLI.

Thank you for the clarification.