Trivadis / plsql-cop-cli

db* CODECOP Command Line

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TREAT keyword stops PL/SQL Cop parsing

icams-wgka opened this issue · comments


When using the TREAT keyword in a PL/SQL package the PL/SQL Cop doesn't validate anything anymore. Instead error messages from the previous result are shown.

l_result poc_api.groeptabellen_one_of_ot;
a poc_api.patient_adres_tabel_ot;
a := treat( l_result AS poc_api.patient_adres_tabel_ot );

We also did not found any workaround to overcome this behavior.

Hi, this is a bug (internal Jira Ticket PLSQLCOP-265, fixed on the development branch). Behind the scenes a NullPointerException is thrown during calculation of the Halstead metrics when using the keyword "treat".

There is no known workaround available. This will be fixed with the next release, which will be available end of Q1/2020 latest.

Fixed with v2.3.1