Trivadis / pgbasenv

pgBasEnv - PostgreSQL Base Environment Tool

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool prep not atomic

cyrmue opened this issue · comments

the " prep" command is included in .psqlrc and configured by default by the installation. Therefore on a server with multiple Cluster on one host, there could/will be much concurrency on using "psql".
In our env we have disabled the things in .psqlrc, because of this two points:

  • as the execution and rewrite of the .run.* are not atomic, you could get an errors like "
    psql:/tools/postgres/local/pgbasenv/scripts/.run.13:3: error: invalid command \ psql:/tools/postgres/local/pgbasenv/scripts/.run.13:3: ERROR: syntax error at or near "." LINE 1: .sql' ^
    as the .run.* file is only half written
  • rewriting this files every time psql is executed although nothing changed in almost 100% of the time is in my opinion a bit overkill. I see the problem that it is very comfortable.