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[Urgent security issue] FreeImage arbitrary code execution vulnerability

MissLavender-LQ opened this issue · comments

main 2 I think is the most important to point out

both of these can run arbitrary code one of them being from the BMP plugin
so I am assuming a person could get a user to load a malicious BMP or a file with a malicious bpm inside of it

Free Image should either be forked and fixed asap or abandoned for a different library

active project i could find that use freeimage

Free Image v3.18.0

Free Image before v1.18.0

On Mac and Windows, we build freeimage and link it via vcpkg, and it hasn‘t been fixed there. I will update the library when they have updated or patched it. If you feel that this is very urgent, you might be able to find patches on freeimage‘s forum and integrate them into vcpkg.

On Linux, we use the library of the host system, so we can‘t do anything about it.


I am sure most of the rolling distributions like Arch will patch this themselves or use public patches. Eventually the other's would back port fixes as well. They will need to.

On Linux, we use the library of the host system, so we can‘t do anything about it.

the issue is freeimage doesnt seem to be geting updated any more


the issue is freeimage doesnt seem to be geting updated any more

Can you please point to a post that details this on their website, ? I can't seem to find it. Their last update was last year, The last freeimage update was 2023-05-20, which isn't out of the ordinary.

nothing dirrect but i was assuming that since they havnt mentioned the vulnerability on their site any where

in another git issue i made someone mentioned that there is now a fork/continuation of free image ill link that here in a sec

so this likely means i should make issues on distros about replacing freeimage FreeimageRe

might be some time before i do that since i havnt been feeling well


Yup, upstream issues to the distributions themselves would be best. I would not worry about it too much just yet. Many distros use it, they will need to fix it, whether through another fork or what have you. is also a fork repo.

Btw, not long ago, I received an email about the plan of orphaning freeimage package on Fedora from its package maintainer:

I intend to orphan freeimage. Probably, the package should rather just
be retired. Upstream is effectively dead, and there is a constant stream
of CVEs getting filed against the package which are not addressed
upstream. Over the past two years I've fixed many of those CVEs
downstream, but the most recent batch of 15 CVEs is leading me to
capitulate. Currently, the following packages require freeimage:


A minimal impact check:

PerceptualDiff: freeimage is a hard dependency. PerceptualDiff itself
has seen its last commit 4 years ago, last release 8 years ago
allegro5: freeimage is an optional dependency
cegui06: freeimage is an optional dependency
deepin-image-viewer: freeimage is a hard dependency
gazebo: freeimage is a hard dependency. (The fedora package is for
"gazebo-classic", which
points to as the "latest version",
which does not appear to require freeimage)
imv: freeimage is an optional dependency
ogre: freeimage is an optional dependency
photoqt: freeimage is an optional dependency