Treeofsavior / EnglishTranslation

Tree of Savior Korean to English Translation OTC

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

List of those who qualify for the Beta Keys!!

imcgames opened this issue · comments

You may check the list of those who qualify for the Beta Keys HERE :

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU AUTHENTICATE AND LINK your Github ID to the official website’s account. If the accounts are not linked by July 30, you WILL NOT be able to receive the Beta Keys.


Thank you.!!

👍 YAY ! 👍


I'm honored :)

Thank you IMC!

Thanks IMC!!! :)

Thank you!~

Wow, what a nice move from IMC to award the contributors by giving them a beta access !
👏 👏


The official website is under heavy traffic because a lot of people want to join English beta

@vegax87 Yes, that was predictable. I guess it will continue for a day or two. I feel excited by the hype!

:( ow damm where is my name :'(

The situation will be better after some days yes, can't wait to see you IG
-if we encounter-!

2015-07-27 15:00 GMT+02:00 Cyril Moreau

@vegax87 Yes, that was predictable. I guess
it will continue for a day or two. I feel excited by the hype!

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#559 (comment)

Cool, time to link my accounts then.

@arkan0 Don't feel sad, there's still a chance 👍
@Azumii We will encounter Inch'Allah :) I feel so excited just by picturing everybody here playing together to ToS :D It's going to be awesome !

@Spl3en - :D ow god, just waiting - and see you soon at Klaipeda -

Thank you very much @imcgames - I will continue to work hard.
Will the real time translation tool be present in this beta?

I want code :)

I don't get it how do you get the Github ID?

WOW thanks @imcgames !!!!
Right now I'm having issues on ToS website, but how can I link my github account to my profile account?

@diteix Go to, log in using your Facebook / Google+ account (be patient), wait for your account to be loaded (again, be patient, it can takes few minutes with the current traffic overload), then click on the Github logo at the right top corner of your screen.
Github Tos

Thank you and I'll shall wait

Hey @imcgames can you please forward me an email address of yours that we can get in touch about the contrubutors of our web translator?

i am trying to contact malikim over the forum, but because of all the fake account spammers, the forum is totally overloaded.
would also be nice if you could get rid of these people. otherwise you will see many dissapointed people because they got no account, and many resellers who will sell the accounts on ebay or elsewhere. i saw the same happening for Heroes of the Storm, and it hurt the community strongly.

Thank you guys, I'll be patient.

@Spl3en I click the button then i accept the share my information not sure if i did it correctly because I try doing it again and it gives me a blank page.

@Loztchild If you want to make sure you've linked your Github account with your IMC one, go to your Github account Settings (top right corner of this page, click your profile icon, settings), in Personal Settings menu on the left, click "Security" :
Security Github
You'll see a "Security History" appearing, with a list of entries. Look for "oauth_access.create - imcgames" entry; if it is present, you've correctly linked your Github account.

Ok thank you @Spl3en for the step by step tutorial XD and I see it there.

@Spl3en I thank you too. Helped me a lot.

"If you have contributed at least 100 lines by July 26, you will receive 3 Beta Keys via email regardless of your selection as Tester in the Official Website."


Thanks @imcgames, this will be incredibly helpful for us. 😄

Will the Real-Time Translation Tool be available for use?

Yes! Thank you so much @imcgames !! Thank you for listening to my suggestion in the offical forums ^^

I hope the OTC will be in the game so I can help edit more lines!

@Spl3en I already have checked my github and it has the auth to imc, but on Tos site, the icon of github doesn't have my name like in your print. Is it ok?

I don't think anything on the website is working as intended right now. Best let the beta rush calm down a bit before trying to link accounts. As for me, I can't even get the website to load right now. :)

@diteix No, that doesn't seem normal. Have you tried to click on the Github icon again on the ToS home page ? Have you still a blank page ?
Anyway, I wouldn't be too much worried : imcgames have the access they requested, you've done everything possible on your side


@mtnielsen Yeah same here. 504s all over the place.
@diteix If you're having troubles registering, just hold off for a bit! The site seems to be under quite a bit of stress right now.


@Spl3en I keep getting this after waiting a lot. Better to calm down my hype and wait. =/

Really looking for OTC to help more on translate.

What I don't approve is people spamming more than one account to sell or give out keys if they get choosing to participate in the beta for their guilmates,friends,family members,etc.It's good and all but some of us would like to get the chance to test or contribute in any way for the actual release.This result in crashing the website...sigh

@diteix I suggest you to wait for a bit and retry when the website is functional again :) Then everything should be fine, I'm sure!
If it still doesn't, contact IMC and let them know about your error. ("Error Occureed 49")

@Loztchild : We don't know what's happening, let's not be negative. Reastically, I don't think the forum website has been designed to handle a lot of traffic (the forum was very laggy the first day before they made adjustments), so I bet they didn't want to pay a very expensive website just to handle all the people coming the first day right after the facebook announcement. Everything is going to calm down whenever everybody is registred.
I don't say nobody is spamming the account register, but I don't think this is the reason why the website is crashing.

that's great!
i'm hoping to be one of the testers!

Congratulations guys! You all deserved it after such hard work contributing to the English Translation. :) Too bad I was unable to contribute as I still have a hard time understanding GitHub...

Wow, I did not expect this. Thanks!

thats the point vtange. you did this without expecting something. exactly those people deserve a key.

gratz ^^

Sweet, thank you! :)

Wait so does that mean.. once you contributed you get 1 key, but those who contributed more than 100 get 3? or must you have contributed 100 times for keys? @imcgames Gonna need that key fam.

Very nicely done, always approve of giving things to those who have contributed. 👍


Wow totally didn't expect this since I couldn't contribute much ;_;, thank you so much imcgames 👍 . Hopefully the real-time translating tool will be available for easily editing those quest lines 😄

Reminder fellow contributors you need to link the github account to your TOS Website account or else the three keys would be wasted.

@Kxizen based on what they wrote you only get 3 keys if you translated 100 lines. which is the list for, it represents everyone who qualified for these 3 keys.

I think my account got auto-linked like 25 days ago? I see both the "oauth_access.create - imcgames" and my GitHub username in the top right corner of the ToS homepage. Doesn't allow me to click the GitHub icon.

Sorry for being paranoid but I am good to go right?

I need key! Please!

@Chaosbelow Yes it seems that you are all set. 👍

oh thank you 💃

Hi, Nialcen and I made a lot of french translations, we linked our accounts on the official site, but it's still written "0 contribution", and we don't appear in the list for the beta keys. I don't see how to solve this problem... If someone of the staff can see my post, and check it, it would be really nice, thank you.

@magcathe This is only for Korean to English translation, made on this Github repository to translate as much as possible of the game for the international beta.

There is at the moment no official IMC project about translating it to other language, but only fan project not related with IMC.

Edit: For below, it's not counted because there is no contribution on github.

It only applies to those who translated Korean to English. The other languages are not supported yet thats why they didnt counted yet your contribution.

ah ok... so what we did was useless for the key AND the translations too (more than 1000 lines...).

I hope at least, we will have more than 1 key as a fansite, because we are 2 admins to work on it, since one year.

Thank you for the answer

@magcathe I don't see any commit on your account, where is your repository ? If you want to show your work, you should upload your commits to GitHub and make them public :)

it's Nialcen who created it

@magcathe No commit here too ... How IMC is supposed to know you contributed ?

@magcathe No commit even on his fork also.
But that's not the problem, Just wait for the fansite e-mail on 31 ! 😸

It's the first time I use github, so it's not easy to understand how it works.

I see that (I'm not sure you can have access) :

Anyways, I will just wait for the fansite. Thank you.

@magcathe I think your work might be useless in the long run. The translations already changed a great deal and imcgames clearly stated that they right now only focus on the English translation.

For the future you need to pay special attention to work with the upstream / origin source to get your work approved / merged. Right now its not the right time to work on translations beside English.

Good luck on the fansite keys.

thank you so much IMC ! :)

as there was at the beggining folders both in korean and english, I thought we could use what was already done in english to translate it in our language (even if the priority was to translate the korean left in english, for those who could). It was not really clear (to me), but it's ok now...

I hope I will be lucky next, thank you for the good luck, you too

@Spl3en i have linked my acc but after that..i don't know what the @#$#@$...I DELETED MY GITHUB (why did i do that for!? ="=)) and now my acc from still linkin with the old github that i deleted there anyway that i can fix this...can i link it to a new github? (this one: 0ojookinz0o)

it remains one kay, pains me . plis ^^

If any one of my fellow GitHubians ends up with an extra key and I'm not lucky on 'draw' day, I'd be most ecstatic!
Of course, I always repay my debts; maybe some crafted potions(or other item) once TOS is released? /wink

If you're looking for a Frenchy, here I am ! This is going to be great !

@0ojookinz0o : You should try to contact a ToS admin in that case, I don't see any way to unlink a deleted account. Well, maybe you should wait to do it, with the incoming beta they must be busy and anyway it doesn't really matter to link your github ID if you aren't in the list.

@Spl3en oh i see...thank you so much sir...^ ^

someome have a key for me?

@Xilmmar just login in ToS site and try your luck, after all it's international CBT. They said though that regions with other publishers don't opt in.

@Xilmmar Yes because I'm also from the Philippines and I also qualified as one of the contributors for the translation project.

I feel so grateful that I am included in the list, but I also feel quite guilty cause I could not help out much these days. I'll get back to translating more lines soon! Linked my GitHub account and think I'm good to go, so excited for this. Thank you very much ToS team!

Wait am I too late?! IMC games please respond! T_T I was away from the Internet for the last few days...

@emailboxu Go link your GitHub account to your account on the main website. You should be good to go. If anything you can open up an issue or send STAFF_Makirim a message on the forums.

I PM'd the official IMC account on the main forums, because the announcement says you had to link your account by 12 AM on July 30th, EST and I linked it at 12:13 AM EST... @imcgames

@emailboxu I have never messaged the offical IMC account, I am not sure if anyone logs into that. I messaged STAFF_Marikim the other day about an issue and he/she answered immediately. Go ahead and open an issue on the GitHub with their name and then close it out once they answer. I was told that if I didn't recieve an answer by the 31st then to message again. So you should be good. Worse comes to worse there will be a beta key from one of the GitHubbers. I may be able to spare one!

Thanks, I'll put up an issue on GitHub if they don't respond by tomorrow. I'm pretty sure imc isn't going to leave me high and dry, but thanks a lot for the offer!

@imcgames If we link our Github account now are we too late? I was only able to do it now because of timezone differences.

damn, should have done that yesterday. But too much work :-(

People in the list who have not posted here. No guarantee something can be done now :

EDIT : No requirement to post here, but without mail notification some people could have missed this issue/post if they were like on vacation and stuff.


Balls. I forgot all about this. If nothing can be done, I understand :) I just got mine linked, if that's of any use :(

Oh crap, didn't realize we had to post here! I linked my github a couple days ago =[

I don't remember if there was a requirement for posting on this issue thread. My account is linked.

I don't remember anything about having to post here, having the accounts linked should be enough.


This is not a requirement to post here, the only one is to link the github
But it seems some people have not seen there was a post here, and have
maybe not linked their github account (I guess like vacation and stuff), so
a mail notification can help ! :-)

2015-07-30 9:03 GMT+02:00 ttgmichael

I don't remember if there was a requirement for posting on this issue
thread. My account is linked.

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#559 (comment)

Haha, some of us contributors like to lurk. Thanks for checking up though @ceddc xD

@ceddc thanks for the notification! I really didn't expect this! 👍

@imcgames i just registered/linked my account an hour ago. (3:17 AM EST) I hope I can still have the beta key 😟

I'm was just lurking this comment, but thanks for the notification anyway <3

Oh wow that's awesome, I didn't expect to get anything :D


Thanks for the heads up, I've already linked my accounts. Let's see if we qualify even without the 100 lines requirement :)

Any of my fellow contributors got their keys yet???

not at the moment.

It's only 13.21 in korea :-)

2015-07-31 6:07 GMT+02:00 Julian

Any of my fellow contributors got their keys yet???

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#559 (comment)

Has anyone made the same mistake as me?
Gosh I feel so stupid, I signed up here without properly reading the instructions and it turns out this is only for contributors.
I hope this doesn't ruin my chances. T_T
Sorry again for this mistake!

give me beta key pls

any have a key for me? D:

id love a key please..

I think we have more work to do on SKILLS and UI guys... it's just been updated.

I thought that if we login on the main website by the 30th that 5,00 people will get a key? Am I wrong ? :o

Just to clear things up for you guys, I've no keys yet. Even though my account was linked before this whole announcement.

But no rush. I can clearly tell their servers are being strained from all the traffic.

I was also linked days before deadline. Must be lagging.

On Friday, July 31, 2015, Victor Tang wrote:

Just to clear things up for you guys, I've no keys yet. Even though my
account was linked before this whole announcement.

But no rush. I can clearly tell their servers are being strained from all
the traffic.

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#559 (comment)


via fb just a couple of minutes ago:
*Github contributors, fansite managers, and media will be contacted separately via email within the day.

:( didn't get a key.. If anyone has an extra beta key please pm me!! I didn't get one.. So sad x'(