TransparencyToolkit / LookingGlass

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Asset compilation issue

Shidash opened this issue · comments

When running rake assets:precompile in production, I get this error-
Sass::SyntaxError: Undefined variable: "$btn-border-radius-base".
(in /var/www/update/LookingGlass/app/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap-custom.scss:20)
/var/www/update/LookingGlass/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.2.0/gems/bootstrap-sass-3.3.5/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_buttons.scss:20:in `button-size'
I recall that we had this issue before. How can this be fixed?

Also, the logo in the upper left isn't showing up- what file/icon should be in the instance spec for that?


I just pushed a fix that adds this in 0df5e6b

Also, the logo in the upper left isn't showing up- what file/icon should be in the instance spec for that?

Make sure the items in the instances/config.json file are the following:

    "Favicon": "tt-favicon.png",
    "Logo": "tt-logo.png",
    "Theme": "theme-default",

See the updated example-config.json file with these values

@Shidash does the above resolve the issue? I ran into Bethany and she said you just 45 mins ago found another issue!