Transkribus / TWI-library

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Link from colections list to collection page

cziaarm opened this issue · comments


Looks like "1#thumbs" is being appended to all the table links including the ones from the collection list to the collection page: eg library/3/1#thumbs from library/3

Resulting in:

"document_page() missing 1 required positional argument: 'page'"

Similar error triggered when using the "up" button from a document page

eg from library/3/331/1#thumbs up leads to library/3/331

This all stems for requirement for an extra digit on the url for a document page (to set the page number)

The nav will expect that

[collId] => a collection
[collId]/[docId] => a document
[collId]/[docId]/[page_num] => a page

possible solution:

As we currently don't have dedicated view for library/[collId]/[docId]/[page_num] we can make the [page_num] element an optional parameter for the document view.

If [page_num] is not supplied the view can default to the first page. Though this would only solve the first issue, the link down rather than the link up...

At the moment I go from the collections list directly to a documents first page. The URL is made in the utils/read.js. So if this is deployed the link downwards should work. But the navigation upwards is broken at the moment. Not sure how to fix this.

Implemented solution like suggested: If [page_num] is not supplied the view can default to the first page.
Seems that this works also for the navigation upwards

Nice one!

As I thought this fixes things in almost all the cases. Last thing is the up button when we have a page number in the url. I wouldn't want to not have the page nnumber in the url as it gives us a uri for the view of "document-on-page-x".

I guess the only thing to do is to deal with the exception in the nav code.


I'll close this and make an issue against TWI-nav for the other thing.
