TrafeX / audio-midi-controller

Control the PulseAudio audio channels using a Behringer X-Touch Mini midi controller

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Control PulseAudio with a MIDI controller

This project lets you use the Behringer X-Touch Mini to control your audio. It integrates with PulseAudio and maps every audio channel to an encoder on the Behringer X-Touch Mini.


  • The volume of every audio channel (input or output) in PulseAudio is controllable with an encoder on the Behringer X-Touch Mini.
  • All audio channels can be muted using the buttons below the encoders.
  • The LED ring around the encoders will show the volume level.
  • Audio in your browser or in a program like Spotify can be played, paused, stopped.
  • When media is playing or paused, the play button is lit or blinking.
  • The first encoder is always the main volume, the last is always the active microphone.

Behringer X-Touch Mini


  • Ubuntu or other Linux distro that uses PulseAudio
  • Package playerctl to be able to control the media (sudo apt install playerctl)
  • Package libasound2-dev and python for the MIDI library (sudo apt install libasound2-dev python)
  • Node 16+
  • NPM 7+

How to use

Checkout this repository, connect your Behringer X-Touch Mini (in standard mode), and run the following commands;

npm install
npm run start

The output will show how the audio channels are mapped to the encoders. This updates every second;

Controller 1: Built-in Audio Analog Stereo
Controller 2: Google Chrome
Controller 3: spotify
Controller 8: Blue Snowball Mono


Control the PulseAudio audio channels using a Behringer X-Touch Mini midi controller

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:TypeScript 100.0%