TrafeX / CLKB

Command Line Knowledge Base.


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Command Line Knowledge Base

A command line app to manage knowledge base snippets, nifty one-liners and everything you simply want to store by using the command line. When you create a new item your favorite CLI-editor pops up and lets you add the content. When you close the editor you'll be aked for a short description and optionally some tags to quickly find it back.

Master branch: Build Status

Develop branch: Build Status


You want to use this app? You can!


Follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have python and python-dateutil installed (apt-get install python python-dateutil)
  2. Download the latest Debian package here:
  3. Install with dpkg -i clkb_*.deb
  4. Type clkb --help or see below for how to use


Follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have python, python-dateutil and sqlite installed (yum install python python-dateutil sqlite)
  2. Download the latest tag here
  3. Unpack the file and copy clkb to /usr/local/bin/
  4. Type clkb --help or see below for how to use


Usage: clkb [options]

clkb - Command Line Knowledge Base

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c, --create          create a new item
  -e ID, --edit=ID      edit a item
  -d ID, --delete=ID    delete a item
  -s QUERY, --search=QUERY
                        search items
  -i ID, --item=ID      show the item

  List/search options:
    These options can be used when searching or listing the items

    -l LIMIT, --limit=LIMIT
                        limit the listing to [LIMIT] items (default 50)
    --hide-content      hides the content in the listing

Work in progress

This tool is still in progress. If you want a feature to be added, please let me know or send a pull request.


[ ] Better error handling
[X] Scale the width on tiny screens
[X] Maybe a sort of syntax highlighting
[ ] Add the option to store the DB on a other location
[ ] Write a unit test

Bitdeli Badge


Command Line Knowledge Base.


Language:Python 100.0%