Tracktion / pluginval

Cross platform plugin testing and validation tool

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Empty log on validating Audio Unit

DoomyDwyer opened this issue · comments

Maybe I'm missing a trick, but I've been able to invoke pluginval on a MacOS zsh command line, and validate my VST3 plugin, including a link to the VST3 validator.

When I perform the same action on my Audio Unit plugin (obviously omitting the path to the VST3 validator), the resulting log is zero bytes long, and zsh reports that the process was killed.

When executing:

/Applications/ --strictness-level 5 --verbose --output-dir ../../logs ~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/My.component

The output to the console is as follows:

* * PASS

auval exited with code: 0
Time taken to run test: 2 ms

Time taken to run all tests: 2 secs
Completed tests in pluginval / Restoring default layout
zsh: killed     /Applications/ --strictness-level 5    

(I'm using v1.0.0)

This is interesting, haven't seen that killed thing... I wonder if it's crashing and zsh is somehow swallowing that. Interesting that it makes it through auval but then has a problem.

Is this on a release version of the plug? If so, maybe give Debug a try to see if an assertion is logged.

Does this same behavior happen when you use the app vs. the command line? Perhaps there would be more detail there...

This is interesting, haven't seen that killed thing... I wonder if it's crashing and zsh is somehow swallowing that. Interesting that it makes it through auval but then has a problem.

Is this on a release version of the plug? If so, maybe give Debug a try to see if an assertion is logged.

Does this same behavior happen when you use the app vs. the command line? Perhaps there would be more detail there...

I'd initially encountered this on v1.0.0, but have recently installed v1.0.1 and can reproduce the issue in this latest version too. Both are releases downloaded from the Releases page, I'm not going to be bothered building it myself if that can be avoided.

This issue doesn't occur when running validation in the GUI. I've attached verbose logs for both GUI & CLI execution. One can see that the GUI logs contains an extra couple of lines at the end of the log which are missing from the CLI output:

Finished validating: AudioUnit:Effects/aufx,AUTQ,DOOM

Finished batch validation

I've also noticed that the CLI execution returns a non-zero exit code, probably as a result of the process being killed, which is how I first noticed it, as I was checking the exit code in my plugin build script. The cli_build_log.txt was pasted from the terminal, since using --output-dir results in a log file of zero bytes length being created (also attached).

AutoQ.component_19 Aug 2022 5,45,06pm.txt