Tracktion / pluginval

Cross platform plugin testing and validation tool

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

test multiple plugins with one call

umlaeute opened this issue · comments

Would it be possible to specify multiple plugins on the cmdline?


./pluginval --validate

rather than

./pluginval --validate
./pluginval --validate

No sorry, I used to support that but it was too confusing and running them separately is much cleaner.
It also means you can run them in parallel with bash using & if you want to.

No sorry, I used to support that but it was too confusing and running them separately is much cleaner.

fair enough.
you might want to add the fact that you don't support testing multiple plugins together and the reasoning why to some (visible) documentation.

It also means you can run them in parallel with bash using & if you want to.

well, i could also run multiple tests (with one plugin each) in parallel by using background jobs, if pluginval supported testing multiple plugins in one call; so that does not seem to be a valid argument.

It's not quite the same though as when running them in the same process they'll share a message thread and memory etc.

I don't think there's anything that suggests you can run multiple plugins simultaneously though is there? I don't really want to get in to the habit of adding documentation for everything it can't do. But I agree it should probably fail command line parsing if there are more arguments after the plugin path and say it can only process one at a time.

It's not quite the same though as when running them in the same process they'll share a message thread and memory etc.

you are totally right.
i probably misunderstood the "it also means" part to say that "it's a unique feature of only allowing a single plugin to be tested, that you can run multiple tests in parallel by adding a & at the end".
i guess you just wanted to say "you can do something like this anyhow, using your system's parallelization powers"

it should probably fail command line parsing if there are more arguments after the plugin path
