TorchAPI / Torch

An extensible modding framework and improved client/DS for Space Engineers. Still a work in progress!

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can not stop without save by command !stop false

SWQXDBA opened this issue · comments

  • [y] Verify that this issue is related to Torch and not a Torch plugin or the vanilla game
  • [y] Ensure that the issue is reproducible for testing (provide a link to a test world if necessary)
  • Is this a suggestion?

Torch Version: SE Version:
latest version

Expected Behavior

when I run command !stop false,server should stop and don't save game.
the method is

 [Command("stop", "Stops the server.")]
 public void Stop(bool save = true, int countdownSeconds = 0)

Observed Behavior

Keen will autosave when game stop.
see this log:

[INFO]   Keen: Autosave in unload

I think it can have some way to prevent autosave by keen ,or remove the arg "bool save" in torch command "!stop"

Need to investigate, I will in due course.

I also have the same issue.