TooTallNate / ref-struct

Create ABI-compliant "struct" instances on top of Buffers

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Struct should not rely on object key order

kmsquire opened this issue · comments

As noted here:

This is somewhat pedantic, but the code will break if it's ever run on a javascript engine that does not keep track of key order.

Of course, after writing this, I'm not sure how the following would work:

var PasswordEntry = Struct({
    'username': 'string'
  , 'password': 'string'
  , 'salt':     int

I'd be open to an alternative syntax that's more future-proof, but I'm not overly worried about it since, as you've already pointed out, ref-struct only runs on node (though I could see that changing some day in the future).

Following in the footsteps of Python's OrderedDict, the keys would be specified as an array of arrays:

var PasswordEntry = Struct([
    [ "username", "string" ],
    [ "password", "string" ],
    [ "salt", "int" ]

@parasyte +1, I love it :)

@parasyte @kmsquire So I actually forgot about it since there's no tests or examples, but there's actually a "legacy API" implemented in ref-struct. It's identical to @parasyte's proposed syntax, however, the type and name values are inverted. That is, you put the type first and the name second, kinda resembling actual C syntax.

I believe that this covers the needs of this issue enough that we can close. Cheers!

👍 Got it.

For anyone else who stumbles upon this ticket in the future:


Lines 131 to 136 in 19af92d

// legacy API
arg.forEach(function (a) {
var type = a[0]
var name = a[1]
StructType.defineProperty(name, type)

Why not to remove legacy API ? At least write to console deprecation warning for some time.

So, Please change example in that will show NEW API (use Array instaed of Object), and, if you want, legacy API. I think legacy API should not be show in examples since it become legacy.

ARGHHH. you think that Array-API is alternative, not Main API. :( well, no changes is required so.

I don't think either one is legacy. I shouldn't have used that word before. They're just alternative syntaxes.

I'll take a pull request showing both styles in the README 😉