TooTallNate / node-pac-proxy-agent

A PAC file proxy `http.Agent` implementation for HTTP and HTTPS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Fetch of an https resource failed

dogawaf opened this issue · comments


I encounter a weird behavior using a PAC file, and I wonder to know if pac-proxy-agent would be the cause.

I have to request a resource on a https endpoint:
But the proxy server send back a response in HTML, saying that the remote server is not available.
When I am inspecting the error message returned by the proxy, I can read that the resource that the proxy tried to fetch is at

Is pac-proxy-agent responsible for the rewriting from https to http + port 443?


I think I've encountered the same problem. My final url is https:// and if I enable debug I see this trace (it includes some trace from my own app) if I use pac-proxy-agent:

  pac-proxy-agent loading PAC file: "http://proxy/proxy.pac" +0ms
  pac-proxy-agent got stream.Readable instance for URI +10ms
  pac-proxy-agent read 6412 byte PAC file from URI +3ms
  pac-proxy-agent creating new proxy resolver instance +0ms
  pac-proxy-agent url: "", host: "d" +222ms
  pac-proxy-agent using proxy: "PROXY" +4ms
[2015-01-09 10:56:31.241] [INFO] snmpAgent -   http-proxy-agent creating new Htt
pProxyAgent instance: {"protocol":"http:","slashes":true,"auth":null,"host":"avp","port":"8080","hostname":"avproxylan.dublin.s3g","hash":null,"search":null,"query":null,"pathname":"/","path":"/","href
":""} +0ms
[2015-01-09 10:56:31.242] [INFO] snmpAgent -   http-proxy-agent regenerating sto
red HTTP header string for request +1ms
[2015-01-09 10:56:31.243] [INFO] snmpAgent -   http-proxy-agent patching connect
ion write() output buffer with updated header +1ms
[2015-01-09 10:56:31.243] [INFO] snmpAgent -   http-proxy-agent output buffer: [
"POST HTTP/1.1\r\nhost: demo.stwc.\r\naccept: application/json\r\ncontent-type: application/json\r\
ncontent-length: 50\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n",[123,34,117,115,101,114,110,97
97,115,115,119,111,114,100,34,58,34,66,114,117,88,54,54,80,97,34,125]] +0ms
[2015-01-09 10:56:31.267] [ERROR] snmpAgent - Failed to login (400)

However, because it's a https:// url, it should be resolving to https-proxy-agent instance. If I use proxy-agent module and use the http:// proxy url (from my proxy.pac), it will resolve to a https-proxy-agent agent correctly.

I think I need more complete example code to reproduce this.

I've tried to reproduce the problem with the latest version of pac-proxy-agent and proxy-agent and I can't. It seems to work properly in resolving the https address now

Thanks for getting back to me. Closing this issue then!

Hi. I can't test this behavior anymore because the app which use Pac proxy agent has evolved and not contact any proxy now... But, cool to read that news ;)