TooTallNate / node-nat-pmp

Node.js implementation of the NAT Port Mapping Protocol

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Example code results in error

BranchyMcBranchface opened this issue · comments



var natpmp = require('nat-pmp');

// create a "client" instance connecting to your local gateway
var client = natpmp.connect('');

// explicitly ask for the current external IP address
client.externalIp(function (err, info) {
  if (err) throw err;
  console.log('Current external IP address: %s', info.ip.join('.'));

// setup a new port mapping
client.portMapping({ private: 8080, public: 8080, ttl: 3600 }, function (err, info) {
  if (err) throw err;
  // {
  //   type: 'tcp',
  //   epoch: 8922109,
  //   private: 22,
  //   public: 2222,
  //   ...
  // }


        throw arguments[1]; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: bind EADDRINUSE
    at errnoException (dgram.js:356:11)
    at Socket.bind (dgram.js:123:15)
    at lookup (dgram.js:49:12)
    at UDP.lookup4 [as lookup] (dgram.js:59:10)
    at Socket.bind (dgram.js:120:16)
    at Client.connect (/Users/jake/Dropbox/Development/nat-pmp test/node_modules/nat-pmp/index.js:93:15)
    at Client._next (/Users/jake/Dropbox/Development/nat-pmp test/node_modules/nat-pmp/index.js:205:12)
    at Client.request (/Users/jake/Dropbox/Development/nat-pmp test/node_modules/nat-pmp/index.js:152:8)
    at Client.externalIp (/Users/jake/Dropbox/Development/nat-pmp test/node_modules/nat-pmp/index.js:160:8)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/jake/Dropbox/Development/nat-pmp test/server.js:16:8)