TonyTromp / tidal-connect-docker

This is the dockerized version of Tidal Connect Raspberry binairies. Can be seemlessly used in HifiberryOS or any other RPi based operating system running Docker.

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Can't select soundcard

off112a opened this issue · comments

Hi, I have a Pi 0W with a HiFiBerry DAC+ Zero. I can't select a soundcard when I run the ./

I have also tried
docker run --device /dev/snd \ -v /var/run/dbus:/var/run/dbus \ -v /var/run/avahi-daemon/socket:/var/run/avahi-daemon/socket \ --entrypoint "" \ edgecrush3r/tidal-connect /app/ifi-tidal-release/bin/ifi-pa-devs-get 2>/dev/null | grep device#

But it shows nothing.

I have also tried to manually adding info to the file. But it only gives error when i try to start tidal service.


tidal_connect | Starting Speaker Application in Background (TMUX)
tidal_connect | Starting TIDAL Connect..
tidal_connect | / line 19: 12 Illegal instruction (core dumped) /app/ifi-tidal-release/bin/tidal_connect_application --tc-certificate-path "/app/ifi-tidal-release/id_certificate/IfiAudio_ZenStream.dat" --playback-device "snd_rpi_hifiberry_dac: HifiBerry DAC HiFi pcm5102a-hifi-0 (hw:0,0)" -f "HiFiBerry" --codec-mpegh true --codec-mqa false --model-name "HiFiBerry" --disable-app-security false --disable-web-security false --enable-mqa-passthrough false --log-level 3 --enable-websocket-log "0"
tidal_connect | TIDAL Connect Container Stopped..


Same issue here. My RME ADI-2 DAC FS is not listed. I'm using now Rapsberry Pi OS and previously, when I was using HiFiBerry I was able to set-up Tidal connect.

kuba@raspberrypi:~/tidal-connect-docker $ sudo ./
Running environment:
  FRIENDLY_NAME:            raspberrypi
  MODEL_NAME:               raspberrypi
  BEOCREATE_SYMLINK_FOLDER: /opt/beocreate/beo-extensions/tidal
  DOCKER_IMAGE:             edgecrush3r/tidal-connect:latest
  BUILD_OR_PULL:            pull
  MQA_PASSTHROUGH:          false
  MQA_CODEC:                false
  PWD:                      /home/kuba/tidal-connect-docker

Thu 08 Dec 2022 10:23:32 PM CET raspberrypi[1894]: [INFO]: Pre-flight checks.
Thu 08 Dec 2022 10:23:32 PM CET raspberrypi[1894]: [INFO]: Checking to see if Docker is running.
Thu 08 Dec 2022 10:23:32 PM CET raspberrypi[1894]: [INFO]: Confirmed that Docker daemon is running.
Thu 08 Dec 2022 10:23:32 PM CET raspberrypi[1894]: [INFO]: Checking to see if Docker image edgecrush3r/tidal-connect:latest exists.
Thu 08 Dec 2022 10:23:32 PM CET raspberrypi[1894]: [INFO]: Docker image edgecrush3r/tidal-connect:latest exist on the local machine.
Thu 08 Dec 2022 10:23:32 PM CET raspberrypi[1894]: [INFO]: Stopping Tidal Container..

Stopping TIDAL Connect Service.
Finished stopping TIDAL Connect Service.
Thu 08 Dec 2022 10:23:44 PM CET raspberrypi[1894]: [INFO]: Select audio output device

Found output devices...

Choose your output Device (0-9): 1
kuba@raspberrypi:~/tidal-connect-docker $ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="11 (bullseye)"
kuba@raspberrypi:~/tidal-connect-docker $ docker run --device /dev/snd   -v /var/run/dbus:/var/run/dbus   -v /var/run/avahi-daemon/socket:/var/run/avahi-daemon/socket   --entrypoint ""   edgecrush3r/tidal-connect /app/ifi-tidal-release/bin/ifi-pa-devs-get 2>/dev/null | grep device#
kuba@raspberrypi:~/tidal-connect-docker $

update: OK, I figured out why the command is not listing soundcards, it's because my docker command doesn't work with non-root users, but even if I run this as root, my USB DAC is not listed:

kuba@raspberrypi:~/tidal-connect-docker $ docker run --device /dev/snd   -v /var/run/dbus:/var/run/dbus   -v /var/run/avahi-daemon/socket:/var/run/avahi-daemon/socket   --entrypoint ""   edgecrush3r/tidal-connect /app/ifi-tidal-release/bin/ifi-pa-devs-get | grep device#
docker: unknown server OS: .
See 'docker run --help'.

kuba@raspberrypi:~/tidal-connect-docker $ sudo docker run --device /dev/snd   -v /var/run/dbus:/var/run/dbus   -v /var/run/avahi-daemon/socket:/var/run/avahi-daemon/socket   --entrypoint ""   edgecrush3r/tidal-connect /app/ifi-tidal-release/bin/ifi-pa-devs-get | grep device#
WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/arm) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
Expression 'GetExactSampleRate( hwParams, &defaultSr )' failed in 'src/hostapi/alsa/pa_linux_alsa.c', line: 895
Expression 'GetExactSampleRate( hwParams, &defaultSr )' failed in 'src/hostapi/alsa/pa_linux_alsa.c', line: 895
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1281:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 'cards.bcm2835_headpho.pcm.front.0:CARD=0'
ALSA lib conf.c:4528:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:5007:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM front
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.rear
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.center_lfe
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.side
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1281:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 'cards.bcm2835_headpho.pcm.surround51.0:CARD=0'
ALSA lib conf.c:4528:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:5007:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM surround21
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1281:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 'cards.bcm2835_headpho.pcm.surround51.0:CARD=0'
ALSA lib conf.c:4528:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:5007:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM surround21
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1281:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 'cards.bcm2835_headpho.pcm.surround40.0:CARD=0'
ALSA lib conf.c:4528:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:5007:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM surround40
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1281:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 'cards.bcm2835_headpho.pcm.surround51.0:CARD=0'
ALSA lib conf.c:4528:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:5007:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM surround41
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1281:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 'cards.bcm2835_headpho.pcm.surround51.0:CARD=0'
ALSA lib conf.c:4528:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:5007:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM surround50
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1281:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 'cards.bcm2835_headpho.pcm.surround51.0:CARD=0'
ALSA lib conf.c:4528:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:5007:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM surround51
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1281:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 'cards.bcm2835_headpho.pcm.surround71.0:CARD=0'
ALSA lib conf.c:4528:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:5007:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM surround71
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1281:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 'cards.bcm2835_headpho.pcm.iec958.0:CARD=0,AES0=4,AES1=130,AES2=0,AES3=2'
ALSA lib conf.c:4528:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:5007:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM iec958
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1281:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 'cards.bcm2835_headpho.pcm.iec958.0:CARD=0,AES0=4,AES1=130,AES2=0,AES3=2'
ALSA lib conf.c:4528:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:5007:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM spdif
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1281:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 'cards.bcm2835_headpho.pcm.iec958.0:CARD=0,AES0=4,AES1=130,AES2=0,AES3=2'
ALSA lib conf.c:4528:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:5007:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM spdif
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.hdmi
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.hdmi
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.modem
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.modem
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.phoneline
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.phoneline
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock

Also, I have /etc/asound.conf configured and it looks like following (raspotify works well but before installing Tidal connect I stopped raspotify service):

pcm.!default {
    type plug
    slave.pcm {
        type dmix
        ipc_key {
            @func refer
            name defaults.pcm.ipc_key
        ipc_gid {
            @func refer
            name defaults.pcm.ipc_gid
        ipc_perm {
            @func refer
            name defaults.pcm.ipc_perm
        slave {
            pcm {
                type hw
                card DAC51090305
                nonblock {
                    @func refer
                    name defaults.pcm.nonblock
            channels 2
            rate 44100
            format S32_LE
        bindings {
            0 0
            1 1

ctl.!default {
    type hw
    card DAC51090305

Hey @jmayday, i was having a similar issue, and realized it's because i had a 64bit OS installed, while docker trying to run something in 32bit mode. Or at least that's my guess..

This was the error message that helped me:

WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/arm) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested

I'm sure there's a simple solution for this just using Docker, rebuilding an image, choosing a different base image, IDK. For me, it was easier to just start fresh, with a 32bit base OS instead.