TomSchimansky / TkinterMapView

A python Tkinter widget to display tile based maps like OpenStreetMap or Google Satellite Images.

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Virus warning when using PyInstaller

Reno989 opened this issue · comments

Hello everyone,
I am using TkinterMapView for a project. I would now like to convert the resulting program into an executable file using PyInstaller. Unfortunately, it aborts at some point, with the message that the generated file contains a virus. My Windows virus protection also fails.
I have now uploaded the generated file to Here, too, some virus scanners indicate a danger.

I have now found out that the problem only occurs when I import TkinterMapView.
Can someone explain to me how this behavior comes about or how I can create a safe application? Has anyone ever had the same problem?
Actually, I do not assume that TkinterMapView contains malware. However, my virus scanner sees it differently.

Many thanks in advance.