TomSchimansky / TkinterMapView

A python Tkinter widget to display tile based maps like OpenStreetMap or Google Satellite Images.

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Unable to load overlay layer using "set_overlay_tile_server"

hanselmoovita opened this issue · comments

Example used:

I added a 4th option to include overlay option for "Railway". Modifications made were:

In self.map_option_menu:

self.map_option_menu = customtkinter.CTkOptionMenu(self.frame_left, values=["OpenStreetMap", "Google normal", "Google satellite", "railway"]

In def change map:

elif new_map == "railway":
self.map_widget.set_overlay_tile_server("{z}/{x}/{y}.png") # railway infrastructure

However, upon running the program and selecting the "railway" option for Tile Server, the TkinterMapView returned blank map:


I used the suggested API link given under "Use other tile servers" in your Readme.

May I ask for help to fix or advice on this issue

Hi @hanselmoovita sorry for late answer. You are probably having an exception raising in the try block at line 494 of the file that results in one of the except blocks which is returning self.empty_tile_image.
Could you please provide further details?


Can I clarify with you, if I would like to apply overlay layer on top of Main Tile layer, is this the correct way to do it? See screenshot below, right window for highlighted portion:

Screenshot from 2023-12-18 14-13-57

The current problem I faced is that when I added this line, the tkinter application goes blank when I made the selection with overlay (ie: Google satellite)

For this scenario, I have not made modifications to I have tried to modify the definition for but have not been successful either

For your kind advice please


Yes, you are doing right in setting the overlay_tile_server.

The problem I think you are facing is in the block I mentioned in my previous answer.

I suggest you to execute the code in debug mode or trivially to temporarily remove the try except block at line 494 in to see what exception is raised.
My intuition is that a certain problem is causing that block to fall in on of the except blocks in which the empty_tile_image is being returned and that is probably the blank image you are seeing in the screen.

I'm talking about this piece of code

            url = self.tile_server.replace("{x}", str(x)).replace("{y}", str(y)).replace("{z}", str(zoom))
            image =, stream=True, headers={"User-Agent": "TkinterMapView"}).raw)

            if self.overlay_tile_server is not None:
                url = self.overlay_tile_server.replace("{x}", str(x)).replace("{y}", str(y)).replace("{z}", str(zoom))
                image_overlay =, stream=True, headers={"User-Agent": "TkinterMapView"}).raw)
                image = image.convert("RGBA")
                image_overlay = image_overlay.convert("RGBA")

                if image_overlay.size is not (self.tile_size, self.tile_size):
                    image_overlay = image_overlay.resize((self.tile_size, self.tile_size), Image.ANTIALIAS)

                image.paste(image_overlay, (0, 0), image_overlay)

            if self.running:
                image_tk = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)
                return self.empty_tile_image

            self.tile_image_cache[f"{zoom}{x}{y}"] = image_tk
            return image_tk

        except PIL.UnidentifiedImageError:  # image does not exist for given coordinates
            self.tile_image_cache[f"{zoom}{x}{y}"] = self.empty_tile_image
            return self.empty_tile_image

        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
            return self.empty_tile_image

        except Exception:
            return self.empty_tile_image

Keep me updated once you have tried!

I've removed the entire try-except code block starting from line 494 in, and when the app is launched, the default selection OpenStreetMap shows a blank grey screen, and many exception errors were returned in the debugger in one go:

Screenshot from 2023-12-19 09-08-51

No other modifications were made other than the one you've suggested above. The full log of exception errors are found below:

Error log.txt