TomCasavant / MastodonPlaysGameboy

Lets users play gameboy roms via mastodon polls

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Migrate from pyboy v1.6.14 to v2

TomCasavant opened this issue · comments

While debugging #35 noticed there was a big version jump last week, I imagine it'll help with #27 as well

  • Update requirements.txt
  • Compatibility Changes
    • Screenshot is no longer screen_image(), it'll be screen.image
    • Simplify all of our inputs using the built-in pyboy.button
    • PyBoy() instantiation needs some adjustments
    • WindowEvent is no longer accessible from Pyboy it's in pyboy.utils (probably not necessary if we're simplifying inputs)
    • window_type is deprecated