TomCasavant / MastodonPlaysGameboy

Lets users play gameboy roms via mastodon polls

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Redundant variables

TomCasavant opened this issue · comments

There's a few variables that should be constants instead of being redefined in every function e.g.

script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

Hi Tom, I'd like to work on this issue. Is there anything I'd need to download or install in order to test my changes, besides the repo itself?

Hi Tom, I'd like to work on this issue. Is there anything I'd need to download or install in order to test my changes, besides the repo itself?

When you clone the repo you'll want to do pip install -r requirements.txt and then set up your config file, unfortunately for legal reasons I can't provide you with a rom file so you'll have to source one yourself.

If you want to test the mastodon side you'll need a bot account on a mastodon server (if your server doesn't support more than 4 poll options you'll have to work off of @phi1997's pull request which hasn't been merged in yet #33. Fortunately for this issue you probably won't need a mastodon account, just uncomment

# bot.test()
and comment out the following line

Worst case, if you just want to make the updates and put them in a pull request I'll go ahead and test them for you

Is this the right place to enter that pip command? (I redacted my computer name)


Is this the right place to enter that pip command? (I redacted my computer name)

Yeah that's where you'd run it from (,
Are you on Windows? I haven't tried it yet, so I'm not 100% certain all the packages work there.

Also, if you're new to this I'd also recommend setting up a virtual environment ( and you'll want to make sure you're running a python version >3.9

If you're not familiar a virtual environment is pretty easy to setup if you have python installed already:
python -m pip install virtualenv
python -m virtualenv .venv # Creates a virtual environment in the .venv directory
.\.venv\Scripts\activate # Starts the virtual environment (in linux this would be source .venv/bin/activate)

And then when you're in the virtual environment install all the packages with the pip install -r requirements.txt command

Okay, I finally got around to working on this. So far I've made script_dir constant by moving it above the classes, but I'm not sure I can do the same with screenshot_dir and gif_dir because they depend on function parameters. Should I go ahead with the pull request, or am I missing something? Also, which branch should I be working on?

Okay, I finally got around to working on this. So far I've made script_dir constant by moving it above the classes, but I'm not sure I can do the same with screenshot_dir and gif_dir because they depend on function parameters. Should I go ahead with the pull request, or am I missing something? Also, which branch should I be working on?

Yeah I might change how screenshot_dir and gif_dir work later on but that's fine for now could you move save_dir as well I'm pretty sure that's constant throughout the project? And then yeah that should be good for a PR

I think you meant save_loc, so I've moved that, ids_loc, and gif_dir (turns out I could move it in, but I still need to know which branch to put the PR on

Just the main branch is fine