ToddThomson / jQuery-Mobile-Subpage-Widget

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problems with phonegap?

lorenzosfarra opened this issue · comments

I have a main "page" with 4 "subpage"s.
If I open this page with a normal browser, I can navigate through the various subpages without problems.
Instead, when I open this page as part of a phonegap-based app in Android, I can navigate to a subpage only once, then I can't go anywhere else.
For example, I can navigate from page to subpage1 (or from page to subpage2,3,4), but then when I click a link to another subpage nothing happens (I can't see any logs).
Is there any known problem or is it an unexpected behavior?

Probably I can add a interesting info.
If I bind the links "click" event, on the pageinit event callback, in this way:

$(".allsteps a").click(function() {
console.log("clicked: " + $(this).attr('href'));

this is what I see in the web console on firefox: """[22:07:11.310] clicked: #step2"""

and this is what I see on android logcat: """clicked: #"""

it seems like is a problem related to the subpageUrl:
var subpageUrl = (parentUrl || "") + "&" + $.mobile.subPageUrlKey + "=" + subpageUId;

In my phonegap app is not correct.
If I manually set subpageUrl to ""index&" + $.mobile.subPageUrlKey + "=" + subpageUId;" where "index" is the id of the data-role="page", everything seems to work fine.

I'm going to investigate deeper tomorrow.

@lorenzosfarra Did you resolve your issue?

@ToddThomson not yet, but I've not investigated too much.
In the next days I'm going to try to resolve this again, so I'll update this issue as soon as possible.


@ToddThomson is there a specific reason to use the url (line 64):
parentUrl = parentPage.jqmData("url");

instead of the id?

var parentUrl = parentPage.attr('id');

Using the ID, it seems like everything works even with phonegap.

If it's important to hold the information about the Url, setting parentUrl like this fixes the problem, too:
var parentUrl = parentPage.jqmData("url") + "#" + parentPage.attr('id');


@lorenzosfarra What platform are you targeting with PhoneGap? (iOS, Android, ? )

UPDATE: OK. I see you are targeting Android.

@lorenzosfarra Question: You are loading your parent page ( the one with the subpages ) using a call to loadPage() ( or by a link ).
The subpage widget does not need to be used on the initial (home) page of your app.

@lorenzosfarra When a parent page is loaded via loadPage() ( programmatically or via a link ) The parentPage.jqmData("url") is set to the url used to load the page. Every page dynamically loaded in this way will have a unique url.
The subpage widget uses this value to create a unique identifier for each subpage that is defined within the parent page. This UId is assigned to the data-url property of the subpage.
If you need to use the parentPage 'id', then the parent page has not been dynamically loaded and thus the subpage widget does not need ( and should not ) to be used.

@ToddThomson: Yes, it's Android.

"You are loading your parent page ( the one with the subpages ) using a call to loadPage() ( or by a link )." -> by a link.

At the moment I can't check the log, but please note that the page url is not null or empty, is something like /android_asset/www/somepage.html (, so not a real path). I'll add some HTML code tomorrow to verify deeper.


@lorenzosfarra Interesting. I had not considered this. Your initial document has a link that is loading a parent page with subpages, but the request is going to a file ( your 2nd html file ) already stored on the android platform.
I look forward to what you find out tomorrow.
Thanks for your effort with this issue!

@lorenzosfarra You may need to set $.mobile.pushStateEnabled to false.

@ToddThomson unfortunately setting $.mobile.pushStateEnabled to false doesn't make it work, same behavior.

I've added a console.log("subpageUrl is " + subpageUrl) on line 73.

The steps to reproduce the problem are the following:

  1. Start my android app, that uses an index.html page as the first page;
  2. in index.html, I've an <a href="addevent.html">, where addevent.html is the multipage file;
    2.1) The addevent.html page is structured in this way:
    <div data-role="page" id="index">[...]
    <div data-role="subpage" id="step2">[..]
    <div data-role="subpage" id="step3">[..]
    <div data-role="subpage" id="step4">[..]
    <div data-role="subpage" id="step5">[..]
  3. In the log, I see "subpageUrl is /android_asset/www/addevent.html&ui-page=<subpage_id>", where subpage_id is the id of the subpage, repeated for all subpages (step2,3,4,5);
  4. The first thing that I see on my app is the #index page;
  5. I click on step2 (but I see the same behavior with the step3,4 or 5), and I reach the step2 subpage without problems;
  6. At this point, if I click on any other link to some subpage, nothing happens.

I want to repeat here a strange information that I've previously added:

If I add this:
$(".allsteps a").click(function() {
console.log("clicked: " + $(this).attr('href'));

where "allsteps" is a list of link to subpages ( etc..).

If I click on one of these links, #step2 for example, I see this:
"clicked: #"

Instead, in a browser like firefox with firebug, I see this:
"clicked: #step2"

Any suggestions or other infos needed?


@ToddThomson: do you have any ideas about that?

@lorenzosfarra I'm closing this issue due to the length of time open. If you still have issues with the subpage widget please open another issue.