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Can I use bottom navigation in precompose?

thanhhoai162963 opened this issue · comments

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Yes you can!

Do you have any tutorials on using bottom navigation in precompose? Is there some function I can't find? Thank you

example as :
val bottomNavController = rememberNavigator()
val navBackStackEntry by bottomNavController.currentBackStackEntryAsState() // not found.
val currentDestination = navBackStackEntry?.destination

There's a Navigator.currentEntry that you can use as a replacement for currentBackStackEntryAsState

my code in jetpack compose:
bottomNavController.navigate(route) {this: navOptionsbuilder
popUpTo(bottomNavController.graph.findStartDestination().id) {this:PopUpToBuilder
saveState = true
restoreState = true

Can you help me convert these functions ? Thanks you

route, options = NavOptions(
launchSingleTop = true,
popUpTo = PopUpTo(....)// I don't know