TinfoilHat0 / Defending-Against-Backdoors-with-Robust-Learning-Rate

The code of AAAI-21 paper titled "Defending against Backdoors in Federated Learning with Robust Learning Rate".

Home Page:https://ojs.aaai.org/index.php/AAAI/article/view/17118

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b856741 opened this issue · comments


hi,when I tried to run python federated.py --data=fmnist --local_ep=2 --bs=256 --num_agents=10 --rounds=200
there is a problem show up
do you have any ideas about it ?


It looks like this error occurs due to tensorboard. Can you try commenting out tensorboard stuff, and try again?
If it works, I'd guess the error is due to some tensorboard version conflict between tensorflow and pytorch.


Thanks a lot for replying.
I don't know if I commented the correct line
but after I commented this line, there's a new problem showed up.

You’ve to comment out all summarywriter events, not just the import.


Hi,I tried to comment all summarywriter ,and writer,but it seems "writer" is a necessary part.
do you have else ideas? Thanks

Just try setting writer=None, and comment out wherever writer is used maybe? The other solution is to simply solve the version conflict. You can try creating another environment without tensorflow, and just install pytorch and its version of tensorboard.

Closing as this is a package conflict